Getting rid of Facebook - anyone else happier?

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Fuck Facebook. My wife and I have an account together, but it's mainly just a platform for her to brag about our kids. I dont use it. Only time I am on Facebook is helping Josh manage our TMMAC account.

Liberate yourselves!! :)

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lol, that's nothing close to what I did or implied. I pretty much explained that it was my social circle that made it bad for me, and that it has its great uses, but because of the people around the scene I associate with it's really hard to benefit from that.
What a strange observation on your part. I take it you didn't actually read through the shit. Chill out guy.
I never once said anything like "people who use Facebook are whackos" or idiots or anything like that. I was talking about my experience personally for ME and asked if anyone else felt the same way. I did not say, in anyway at all, that if someone does use and enjoy it, that is a bad thing.
You're an odd one.
Then again Dougie, you have like more than 100,000 posts on the UG over a 20 year span. Maybe I shouldn't actually take time to read into a single thing you say - every interaction I've had with you was negative, and literally all stemmed from your end. It's weird, and I can happily prove that, because I have never said anything mean spirited or troubling to you, once. Yet the only times I've seen you reply to me, you do shit like this. Or troll the forum in general. Then again, 100k posts, 15+ years... who knows how the hell you get to that point in life. If I ever spend 20 years of my adult life posting literally hundreds of thousands of times on internet message boards, just take me out to pasture.
I took a 2 week break from this board because of the negativity and influx of assholes in the last 2 months. I came back last night and within less than a day, 3 people on 3 diff threads acted like complete dicks to me for no reason - insulting, name calling, or stuff similar to your bizarre tirade comparing me to an ex alcoholic.
I don't get why people feel the need to quote and reply to others with negativity, attacking them, without being remotely provoked. That is what made the UG a shit hole, and why this place was made, to get away from the mentality and attitude of posters like you and the others who can't seem to engage in conversation without bringing others down or needlessly insulting people.
Then again, you are pretty much a troll who, as stated, has spent nearly 2 decades posting hundreds of thousands of times on internet message board. All while being twice my age. I never tried to make a single person feel bad for using Facebook. You're a fucking weirdo.
Happy to add another to my ignore list. Greatest thing to happen to this site. Peace
And I fully expect the troll brigade to leave lame replies to the post I just made, but happily, I won't be able to see them all
It's not about taking shit too serious, it's about not understanding way people act that way. This place is the best, but for the first few months it opened, you rarely if ever saw negativity and arguments. Now every single day I do. it's fucking bizarre. I just can't comprehend how, out of all my posts about FB, that is the conclusion you came too - that I'm too cool for something and anyone who doesn't agree is a "whacko"
How are you even a real human being with a brain? Are you so socially dysfunctional that you can't understand things, and that is why you live your life on the internet even though you're like 50?
Fuck these people. I just want to discuss MMA, and other shit, in a normal way. No insulting, no trolling, no being a fucking dick for no reason. The internet is a cesspool honestly.
Wow, where to start?

Probably with, I don't like you.

You whine about the freedom to do what you want but the first bit of authority you get you start to screw others the very same way you whine about and if someone calls you on your sh*t then you run home crying. In short, you dish it out but can't take it. You know exactly what I am talking about so playing the "Oh, I've never been mean to you" card is bull. You provoke alright but when you reap what you've sown you happily go victim. "Oh, I'll have my say and then run away and use my ignore function!"

I've seen guys like you come and go. You burst onto the scene, talk a good game, and make no mistake about it, you do know your stuff, but you lack the substance and so you come off like the College kid who knows his history but has never be down with the subject.

Throw out how many posts I have on the UG all you want. You have no clue what was going with me and you sure as hell don't know how I got to that point in my life but make no mistake chump, I work a full time job, train at two gyms, run my own separate business, spend great time with my family and I volunteer regularly for a few charities at a time and I have done this for YEARS. I'm good at multi-tasking. So your attempt at trying to put me down is poor at best. I'm just better at this than you. You either 1) can't figure out how I do it, or 2) are grasping for straws to try and hit back because I called you on your crap. I suspect the latter.

You wish I was a troll because that way you could play your victim card.. The truth is I am probably on of the more real people on here or the UG since I've never hid who I am, used a fake name, and I posted pics of myself and where I am etc on a regular basis. I'm loyal as f*ck to my friends and have no problem standing up to those who step over the line. I'll own up to my mistakes and apologize when I'm wrong and I have no problem burying the hatchet but I'm not about to go play nice with you because your ego can't handle it. If you want to poke around and be a dick, then expect it to bite you.

I've been doing some sort of martial art or combat sport for over 25 years and picked up belts along the way and stepped on mats and trained with or under guys you talk about like you know who they were. Cry all you want but I hardly live my life on the internet but even if I did, there you go AGAIN pointing fingers at others and putting them down because they do things you don't and do it well. Oh, "I'm not on Facebook." or "Oh. I don't have a lot of posts" as if it makes you some sort of special case for those of us who can manage to live our lives in ways you can't fathom. You're a hipster in the mental sense of the word. Here's a hint, if you came back and maybe one person was a dick to you, (most likely me) you can chalk it up to us not getting along, but when a whole bunch of people are a dick to you, maybe it's not the internet, maybe it's you.



Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Wow, where to start?

Probably with, I don't like you.

You whine about the freedom to do what you want but the first bit of authority you get you start to screw others the very same way you whine about and if someone calls you on your sh*t then you run home crying. In short, you dish it out but can't take it. You know exactly what I am talking about so playing the "Oh, I've never been mean to you" card is bull. You provoke alright but when you reap what you've sown you happily go victim. "Oh, I'll have my say and then run away and use my ignore function!"

I've seen guys like you come and go. You burst onto the scene, talk a good game, and make no mistake about it, you do know your stuff, but you lack the substance and so you come off like the College kid who knows his history but has never be down with the subject.

Throw out how many posts I have on the UG all you want. You have no clue what was going with me and you sure as hell don't know how I got to that point in my life but make no mistake chump, I work a full time job, train at two gyms, run my own separate business, spend great time with my family and I volunteer regularly for a few charities at a time and I have done this for YEARS. I'm good at multi-tasking. So your attempt at trying to put me down is poor at best. I'm just better at this than you. You either 1) can't figure out how I do it, or 2) are grasping for straws to try and hit back because I called you on your crap. I suspect the latter.

You wish I was a troll because that way you could play your victim card.. The truth is I am probably on of the more real people on here or the UG since I've never hid who I am, used a fake name, and I posted pics of myself and where I am etc on a regular basis. I'm loyal as f*ck to my friends and have no problem standing up to those who step over the line. I'll own up to my mistakes and apologize when I'm wrong and I have no problem burying the hatchet but I'm not about to go play nice with you because your ego can't handle it. If you want to poke around and be a dick, then expect it to bite you.

I've been doing some sort of martial art or combat sport for over 25 years and picked up belts along the way and stepped on mats and trained with or under guys you talk about like you know who they were. Cry all you want but I hardly live my life on the internet but even if I did, there you go AGAIN pointing fingers at others and putting them down because they do things you don't and do it well. Oh, "I'm not on Facebook." or "Oh. I don't have a lot of posts" as if it makes you some sort of special case for those of us who can manage to live our lives in ways you can't fathom. You're a hipster in the mental sense of the word. Here's a hint, if you came back and maybe one person was a dick to you, (most likely me) you can chalk it up to us not getting along, but when a whole bunch of people are a dick to you, maybe it's not the internet, maybe it's you.

I'll allow his as a rebuttal but Greek777 @Galanis and Lamont Cranston @Dougie this stops now. I like you both but any more personal attacks will be deleted and warnings will be issued.



Active Member
Nov 27, 2015
Never really used it, idea of giving away all my personal info so easily to anyone with power to access not appeasing to me.
Feb 28, 2015
Deleted my account when I moved here. At that exact moment, I ceased to exist apparently. Nowadays, people's minds don't extend further than FB as far as putting energy toward relationships. Sad really.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2015
FB. I binned that 3 years ago when I did a PM job in the Middle East. Haven't been back since. Feel soooooo much better. Info regret not informing ex/current military friends though. Never going back on. Only have Twitter/IG.
For me, Socail Media makes most people unsocial.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I go on mine everyday but I never post anything, basically I just use it as a news source from pages I liked, for world events, MMA, pop culture, hockey, ect. I agree though that it probably is a good idea for a lot of people to get off of it.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I use it a lot, it is a great way to keep in touch when you're living abroad.

It's also a great tool for rooting out idiots who seem sound in real life but are massive racists.