General Has there ever been a bigger clownshow than this Trump presidency?

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Anyone who set the strategy for her campaign should be shunned within the democratic party.
If we're being honest she's lucky Trump ran a dog shit campaign, and that they wouldn't let him bring Bill's rape victims that she extorted to the debates.


Apr 18, 2015
If you separate the obvious surreal nature of Trump's public persona and erratic behavior from his actual policy agenda, you get a very primitive, ideologically driven economic and social policy.

The beliefs he and his cohorts have championed have been discredited over and over and over again by economists, political theorists, sociologists, public administrators etc. That's the thing that troubles me most about this presidency. There are still people making excuses for these policies and actually trying to push them further after decades of failure. It's trickle down economics repackaged for the 21st century and with our already sharply unequal distribution of wealth, it will lead to a lot of near term pain for the usual zero gain. Add in his desire to increase the security state and what do people realistically think is going to end up happening? Given 100% success of Trump's stated objectives, what can one possibly imagine the world will look like? Have his apologists even considered it?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Given 100% success of Trump's stated objectives, what can one possibly imagine the world will look like?
Based on things that we've seen thus far (with his own party voting against him) Do you actually believe we'll see even 25% of his policies come to fruition?


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It's trickle down economics repackaged for the 21st century and with our already sharply unequal distribution of wealth, it will lead to a lot of near term pain for the usual zero gain.
Zero gain for whom? And how would you suggest wealth be appropriately redistributed?


Apr 18, 2015
Based on things that we've seen thus far (with his own party voting against him) Do you actually believe we'll see even 25% of his policies come to fruition?
Yes. The big money high profile policy points will get defeated and small legislative actions that chip away at the state will continue being enacted as they are already. They're right to go for a sexy distracting battle early.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
You think democrats voted for Hillary over Bernie based on policy?
That's a different discussion but it doesn't even matter. He couldn't beat Hillary in Florida, Ohio or Pennsylvania. Democrats chose Hillary there. Hillary couldn't beat Trump in those states in the general election. How could you possibly think Bernie would have a chance to beat Trump in those states? You think independents and conservatives that disliked Trump were more likely to vote for Bernie the socialist than Hillary the centrist? C'mon. When you have 8 years of leadership of one party, the people tend to vote for someone on the other end of the political spectrum.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That's a different discussion but it doesn't even matter. He couldn't beat Hillary in Florida, Ohio or Pennsylvania. Democrats chose Hillary there. Hillary couldn't beat Trump in those states in the general election. How could you possibly think Bernie would have a chance to beat Trump in those states? You think independents and conservatives that disliked Trump were more likely to vote for Bernie the socialist than Hillary the centrist?
If, as I'm assuming, most Americans were to vote based on identity politics versus sensibly policy decisions, I do think Bernie would have won over Trump in the general.
C'mon. When you have 8 years of leadership of one party, the people tend to vote for someone on the other end of the political spectrum.
I get that. And I felt Bernie was going to be the guy that would come in and actually do the things Obama promised but failed to deliver. Conservatives have had a horrible rap since Bush left office. Remember, we're still fighting the war George W. commissioned. I think it's very realistic to think the country could have swerved far left if it weren't for Big Dick Don laying down the law.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yes. The big money high profile policy points will get defeated and small legislative actions that chip away at the state will continue being enacted as they are already. They're right to go for a sexy distracting battle early.
Here's the problem. What is currently being struck down is what everyone was warned about.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If, as I'm assuming, most Americans were to vote based on identity politics versus sensibly policy decisions, I do think Bernie would have won over Trump in the general.
I do believe that Democrats created a political climate through identity politics that will make it extremely difficult for a white male to win their party's nomination for President.

member 1013

I guess, in the "I'm gonna cheat on my wife with everything +2 legs from Arkansas to New York and get blow jobs in the office of the presidency, it depends on what your meaning of the word "is" is, bomb the Red Cross, garner support from the black community by enabling entitlement, off anyone that opposes your 'foundation', impeached " sort of way.
Cool as a cucumber!

member 3289

To be fair, you guys are killing more civilians in Syria than ever, even more than Russia now, that has to count for some sort of winning, right?
Shit happens in war. I know that doesn't melt your libtard heart, but it's the truth.

Step up your military spending before you criticize


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
i think it is great .trump cant do anything without the left flipping the fuck out over every perceived unfiar action that hurts their little snowflake makes for great entertainment.the guy can literally do no right in the eyes of the left or the media

This post is golden.

You are crying the victim for Trump while calling the left snowflakes with hurt feelings?

Trump and his supporters love to play the poor victim, I say the alt right Trump supporters are the new snowflakes.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
This post is golden.

You are crying the victim for Trump while calling the left snowflakes with hurt feelings?

Trump and his supporters love to play the poor victim, I say the alt right Trump supporters are the new snowflakes.
is that what you got out of that post snowflake?