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First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Other than all of that, thanks for checking in gang...........I fucking miss hanging out without having to think about morning arriving. Those days will return in September, and when they do I will be fucking happy to have made it through the summer. So far, it is one of the toughest challenges I have ever put myself through, lol! Not sure what the fuck I was thinking some of these days, but when those days end I'm always glad I made it through without purposely cutting my toes off to get out of work. You'd be surprised what crosses your mind out there when you are tired and soaked in the rain, only to have the rain stop and the bugs come out to eat you start thinking "if I just nick myself on the side of my left foot with the saw..........I can be sedated and sleeping in emergency in a couple of hours. It won't be so bad, I'll get some compo and this will all be over!" On days like that it's nice to come away with my limbs intact, lol!

Take care of each other until next time, and play nice!

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Thanx everyone.

Today I plan on walking to the edge of my subdivision.

I refused the morphine they wanted to send me home with for pain control and I'm using over the counter Tylenol and Advil and breathing techniques.

I plan on being back in the gym in weeks and back at work THIS week. Docs may predict otherwise, but they don't know me.

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What a trooper!! Fancy outfit too ;)
This is the second day and they sent me to a bigger hospital with more stuff because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

The gown is something else, that's for sure. At this point I was just happy they took the IV out of me finally. Sadly, they were just switching arms.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Dougie, how the fuck are ya? I hope things have turned around for you and they figured out that whatever put you in that bed was nothing serious bud. I've been away a lot, so fill me in when you can.
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First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Is everybody good? I am still slogging along through my summer of adventure up in the mountains. I've got a little clip here, nothing too exciting, but it will show you where I was staying for a few nights earlier this week. Unfortunately, no video of us crashing through 30 foot walls of fire and saving the world, as the fires we have worked have been riddled with superiors who do not care to see us standing there with cameras out, but I am hoping to get some good pics or video by the end of the month.

In the meantime, camping out on the mountainside is pretty cool! We had to hike up 2 km's of really steep and rugged terrain with packs and tools before our camping gear was heli-dropped and we were able to set up camp. That was a fucking killer man, lol! I am getting exactly what I had hoped for out of this summer, which is a gut I haven't seen in about 12 years. Not to mention, some awesome days in the mountains with some cool and fucked up peeps!

Here is a small clip, as I said, nothing exciting.....sorry about that. Just giving you guys an idea of how we live up there in the hills.......



Jun 23, 2015
Other than all of that, thanks for checking in gang...........I fucking miss hanging out without having to think about morning arriving. Those days will return in September, and when they do I will be fucking happy to have made it through the summer. So far, it is one of the toughest challenges I have ever put myself through, lol! Not sure what the fuck I was thinking some of these days, but when those days end I'm always glad I made it through without purposely cutting my toes off to get out of work. You'd be surprised what crosses your mind out there when you are tired and soaked in the rain, only to have the rain stop and the bugs come out to eat you start thinking "if I just nick myself on the side of my left foot with the saw..........I can be sedated and sleeping in emergency in a couple of hours. It won't be so bad, I'll get some compo and this will all be over!" On days like that it's nice to come away with my limbs intact, lol!

Take care of each other until next time, and play nice!
And to think all I have to worry about is that the last bug spray I bought took the varnish off my toes!

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Dougie, how the fuck are ya? I hope things have turned around for you and they figured out that whatever put you in that bed was nothing serious bud. I've been away a lot, so fill me in when you can.
I'm alive! Nothing can stop meee!!!