General I’m crushing on Candace Owens

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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
kneeblock @Kneeblock Zeph @Zeph is she talking about Jewish conspiracy?
She might not be but she has a serious misunderstanding of what Hitler did. Hitler killed many inhabitants or Germany, both jews and elsewise, to purify the Aryan race. In effect she's rehabilitating Hitler to a degree, and whether she says that's not nationalism it has been historically where nationalism to such a degree has lead, over and over. Once you make being part of a geographical location the most important thing, as nationalism does, it is only a hop, skip and a jump to people's lives not from that geographical location being inherently worth less, and that then allows justifications for phrases such as 'collateral damage', or imposed regime change, to outright colonialism.
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