General I Fired A Guy This Morning

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I got duped once in an interview by a woman that had a lot of industry experience, but lied about proficiency with computers. She was retarded the point that she didn’t understand how to save files in specific folders and find them later. I had to fire her over Zoom and she couldn’t figure out how to open the Zoom invite. When she finally got it open, she couldn’t figure out how to turn her webcam on(it was built into her laptop). After I walked her through it, she turned her camera on and her video was just black. I asked her if her privacy slider was covering the camera and she said no repeatedly. She ended up turning her camera off and then back on shortly after and magically….I could see her…but only half of her because she didn’t slide it all the way over. It took 10-12 minutes to get to this point just to tell her she was fired. Afterwards, she started texting me, emailing me, etc asking why she was fired. Bitch I told you why and you gave a perfect demonstration of why it wasn’t working out lol.
We hired a guy in his 50s. Lots of industry experience. Didn't know how to use a computer. At all. It wasn't a massive deal, he went to some computer classes at night for a bit to get up to speed and I told his faggot flight team they had to do the computer stuff for him and quit bitching because I needed to lean on his experience for other stuff.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
I used to coach, thinking this poor guy just hasn’t been brought along, basically giving them paint by numbers, but I’ve realized if they need that they will never get it.
So Now I look at it as giving them all the rope in the world to hang themselves with And just document it for my HR girls.

Le Chat Noir
What is it you do ?

I think the biggest problem in the world with most people is they have an attitude of " I want to do the leat amount of work for the money I get paid " attitude.

I've never had that attitude. Ever. For any amount of success I have ( which isn't bragworthy ) it's because I didn't have that attitude in my nature.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
What is it you do ?

I think the biggest problem in the world with most people is they have an attitude of " I want to do the leat amount of work for the money I get paid " attitude.

I've never had that attitude. Ever. For any amount of success I have ( which isn't bragworthy ) it's because I didn't have that attitude in my nature.
He wears aquamans gay trousers. Anything he says is bad advice. Trust me fam.


Aug 26, 2024
I’ve had to fire a lot of folks over the years. Worst part of being in a leadership position. Each one deserved it, but it’s still tough to take away someone’s livelihood. There was a small sense of satisfaction getting rid of some of them. Some people are just toxic and there’s no fixing it. You can’t have folks like that ruining your team or workplace. For me it was always a very quick conversation. Short and to the point. Here what’s happening and why. I caught some grief from a few but for the most part they just got their shit and moved on. I overheard one new employee laughing about how he was out on workers comp with UPS for an “injury”. I looked at his new hire paperwork and he made no mention of the situation, stated he was not injured and available for any work on one form, and made no mention of UPS as a previous employer. He denied working for them even after my HR department had confirmed he had thru his posts on social media. I found him on the floor, fired him in front of all his coworkers that he had been bragging to about his upcoming “payday” with UPS and had security escort him off the property. That’s the only one I can think of that made me smile a little.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2022
We hired a guy in his 50s. Lots of industry experience. Didn't know how to use a computer. At all. It wasn't a massive deal, he went to some computer classes at night for a bit to get up to speed and I told his faggot flight team they had to do the computer stuff for him and quit bitching because I needed to lean on his experience for other stuff.
This fucking lady was 37. She grew up using computers in school.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
I'm a gay retard that can't use the quote function properly and this is my shame.

I quoted and replied to myself instead of editing the post.