Fuck this day right in the ass.
Had to shed 500mw of pump load because planners/scheduling can’t plan or schedule properly. Spent another few hundred dollars on attorney fees for a bs sexual harassment complaint interview that’s a year & a half old now & the person that filed against me is just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Had another meeting about a possible violation on energy scheduling due to my area control center talking with the transmission operator & not relaying information properly to me for outage curtailment cards. Division chief up my ass about some podunk contractor that tripped offline due to low forebay elevation. Told him I’m busy trying to save the rest of the project & will look into it after a while. He kept asking questions until I had to just say I’m busy & ask someone else who can read a log entry.
Only 6 more 12’s after this one is finished.
Can’t even upload a damn gif I want to at this place without a fucking error message today.