General I just received the best Christmas present ever

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We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
Loved Gannon, such a complicated yet straightforward man. We had good offline talks about interesting things.

After his death lots of people mentioned long ongoing off board discussions with him as well. Guy was a curiosity machine and he loved learning about how different people ticked.

MENSA member, Kimbo fighter, took being a cop to Serpico levels... had a forrest gump like ability to just be there when important shot went down.

There will never be another.
I'd say his story should be told, but I don't think it could be, everyone had such unique and personal interactions with him.

He lived 10 lives yet died too young.

I'm proud he called me friend.
What a beautiful post. Sounds like you knew him much better than I did, which makes me happy for, yet envious of, you.

I will say that in my experience, Gannon was one of those guys that even if you barely knew him, he'd treat you like he had known you for years.

And even if years *had* passed since you last talked, when you did reconnect, you could pick right back up & never miss a beat.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
RIP Pretjah, he was a good one.
Lol. That guy once commented on a thread saying he ate a coyote made in the slow cooker. This must have been 10-15 years ago and I never forgot it.

Then in response to him a poster said "that's some The Hills Have Eyes type shit".

Deleted member 276

Wait. What.
The dude who married his wife after he passed away has an account on the new OG and is posting pictures of her and acting like a d-bag. He’s even been posting pictures of other OGers and acting like a shitbird.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
I'm a huge Forrest Gump nerd, like if there was only one movie I could ever watch again. It would be that.

When Pretjah passed away a lot of members on the OG rallied together to raise money for his family. One of the items offered by DogofDogs was a signed manuscript from Forrest Gump. I asked him how much he wanted for it, he said what do you offer. I told him a number and he accepted and asked to just provide proof that it was donated to Pretjah's gofundme. I asked him if he was sure, he might be able to raise more money auctioning it off but he was good with it. So I did.

I received it in the mail a couple days later.

It is currently on the OG wall of our family room in the restaurant along with some other things I have won or bought from members over the years. I have had several offers much greater than what I paid and have refused to sell it.

My staff know the whole story of where that came from, Pretjah passing etc.

So anywho, back to the Christmas present. One of my staff members who I hired at 16 and has been with me for 3 years went out west for vacation the last 2 weeks and sent me this picture.

He literally tracked down the scene of Forrest's final run and recreated it for me. Without all the people of course.

View attachment 137549

That is getting framed and going right above the manuscript.

There are still good kids in this world.
You're such a good boi, OP.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
you know i dont play. I was speaking truth. He is now banned on the other forum. But it is definitely him.
I'm just trying to figure out the logistics of it, did an oger marry her, did she mention how the og rallied when Pretjah passed and he decided to sign up and then moved onto the onlyground.

This sounds more a fucking stalker troll that was posting her stuff and representing as her new husband. God bless her if she got remarried but Pretjah and his wife were very active in their church, social media, especially with their kids. This just sounds like fuckery to me.

Deleted member 276

Which is why I was shocked with his comments and behavior.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
how do u know so much about so many people LOL ?

I don't even know my neighbour's first names lol , left and right
Some of us are a slight autistic, I'm that way with names, situations and numbers, my brain associates those together and I am able to quickly recall something from the past. I've been called out by several people on the OG over the years for having a spreadsheet. Never had one, never will. I'm just able to recall stuff through association. It's almost like a rolodex in my brain.

Freaks my wife out honestly. I literally know what she had for dinner on our first date 35 years ago down to her appetizer and what her choice of wine was. Even what I said that made her laugh for the first time that night.

For the record, she had shrimp cocktail, roast duck with plum sauce that was the special of the night and the house chardonnay. Our server had dreadlocks and I just made the comment he must be the lost member of De la Sol.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I'm actually really pissed off right now
I just read all that and I'm fucking stunned.

I mean, I don't expect people to grieve forever. But Pretjah hasn't been gone that long (just over three years). Moving on enough to marry someone else that soon seems fast to me. But whatever.

Then the guy she marries goes back to the forum he was such a huge part of and posts pics of her, talks shit, etc?

What in the actual mother of fuck???


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
@HARLEM was this on the old OG before the Alta purge? Or it happened on the OnlyGround? Or what?

Who TF was it? You don't need to (and obviously shouldn't) doxx his real world info. But sharing his SN / handle should be perfectly acceptable.

Deleted member 276

@HARLEM was this on the old OG before the Alta purge? Or it happened on the OnlyGround? Or what?

Who TF was it? You don't need to (and obviously shouldn't) doxx his real world info. But sharing his SN / handle should be perfectly acceptable.
It happened on the OnlyG. MikeANJ is the user name. He’s suspended perm on there but the posts are still up. I sent screenshots to kvr for reference.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
I just read all that and I'm fucking stunned.

I mean, I don't expect people to grieve forever. But Pretjah hasn't been gone that long (just over three years). Moving on enough to marry someone else that soon seems fast to me. But whatever.

Then the guy she marries goes back to the forum he was such a huge part of and posts pics of her, talks shit, etc?

What in the actual mother of fuck???
It has to be a piece of shit troll, has
to be