General I'm so fucking tired of companies making products smaller & smaller

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Dec 15, 2018
Not looking for dissenting opinions
This made me laugh more than it should've lol...

This is the truf I can eat 3 of them now and I only used to eat one. Big mac patties are thin AF now too.
Fuck those little meats. Gotta go with the quarter pounder to get a big kid meat nowadays. BK doing the same shit with their new "Melts" which are 2 bitch-made Whopper Jr. meats...

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
One thing everyone is missing is that the execs need their bonuses and have to come up with “cost saving” ideas.

That results in charging more and changing the portion at the same time!!!!

Yay for the rip off artists!!!! They get to pay for their 4th house that their slut wife wants so she can bang people on the sly!!!!!! 👏.


First 200
Jan 27, 2015
I went to Denny's this weekend for breakfast and let me tell you that the bacon was so ridiculously razor thin.I felt like asking the waitress if they had any thinner bacon that I could order.


Done with Rambo, its ProWlerS turn to eat my SHIT
Dec 16, 2023
Got a Fillet-O-Fish sandwich from McD's today. Fuk they are TINY now. Thing fit easily in the palm of my hand, with plenty of hand left over.