General Is Andrew Tate secretly transgender???

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Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
That's the conspiracy theory floating around the internet after Tate posted a pic of himself (herself?) in swimming trunks:

From the article:

In further remarks, Anderson suggested that anyone who receives any notoriety or attention, like Tate, must be part of a global conspiracy to control the public.

“I told everyone about this a while back,” he added. “It’s all of them if they are on the stage they are part of the inverted show.”



Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Further quote from that article:

When asked by another commenter why Tate was secretly transgender, Anderson claimed that it was all part of an effort to mock God.

“short answer to blaspheme the Father we are made in his image so they reverse and pervert it bc we are made in his image,” he said.

Numerous others argued that Tate’s “V-shaped clavicles” were also proof that he was born female.

Some even went as far as to claim that Tate looked similar to Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism, and therefore must be related.

Enock-O-Lypse Now! @Enock-O-Lypse Now! sparkuri @sparkuri What do you guys reckon? Just a load of hot air, or perhaps potentially true to some degree?


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
No, she was born a woman with high testosterone, never did HRT or had surgery. Her chromosomes simply switched to XY.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Further quote from that article:

When asked by another commenter why Tate was secretly transgender, Anderson claimed that it was all part of an effort to mock God.

“short answer to blaspheme the Father we are made in his image so they reverse and pervert it bc we are made in his image,” he said.

Numerous others argued that Tate’s “V-shaped clavicles” were also proof that he was born female.

Some even went as far as to claim that Tate looked similar to Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of Satanism, and therefore must be related.

Enock-O-Lypse Now! @Enock-O-Lypse Now! sparkuri @sparkuri What do you guys reckon? Just a load of hot air, or perhaps potentially true to some degree?
Lol just now seen this thread, I've read the LaVey connection speculation ...tranny? Anything's possible these days. 😆