I've just been blocked on fb by another head of a local club, why?!?

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Nov 15, 2015
This thread is making me question everything.....


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
He killed his family. That's why he was locked up and someone else had control of his money.


Did you really say big meaniery? Cuz i think i'd cry i'd laugh so hard. :D
No, I wrote "_faggotry_" but a program function seems to have changed it. I don't see the offence as the term has nothing to do with sexuality or sexual preference but rather limp-wristed effeminate types whether they be straight or homo.


No, I wrote "_faggotry_" but a program function seems to have changed it. I don't see the offence as the term has nothing to do with sexuality or sexual preference but rather limp-wristed effeminate types whether they be straight or homo.
Practical joke. I think it's hilarious. :D


graded martial artist
Nov 8, 2016
haw haw very funny. actually i was writing offence letters to the princes, and then they tracked down my ip address and gave me a final warning. i have been taking shots up the ass ever since. such is the joy of being a wacko.

but i can't say anything else bad because you know that would be telling.

i got my yellow belt in an old club, then got booted there cos i said something they didn't like online. i also got my entry red belts in wado ryu karate and ba judo, but then i fell out there as well. my new club seems to be better, but i didn't go last night cos i was doing research in to psychology, which i am hoping to do a masters in next year.

also my criminal record is clean, so stop going on like i am guilty. what happened in 2009 was i got in a fight, even though i was acting in self defence, and i had a cuddle with a someone else, and that got me in trouble as well. but i don't know if they dropped or never charged, but either way it's come back clean, so can we leave it at that, thanks alot.

PS sorry if i got riled back there, but it's one thing calling me a criminal which i reject, deviant i accept, and paedophile crosses the line. don't do it again little boy.