Jeremy Stephens coming back to UFC

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I think he gets handled and ufc exercises their option.

He was really good. He's old and has been taking damage. 3-0 doesn't mean that you aren't taking brain damage in hare knuckle.
Hes not going to be quicker than the last time he was under contract.
They're going to feed him to the young wolves.
Hope he get the money he needs.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Yeah, probably a 1 off for the Iowa card for a recognized local name and then UFC will cut him.
Didn't realize it was a local.
Now I'm rooting for him, lol. Who do they have him with, young gun?

You can never tell with Dana.. is it a favor or a $10,000 fuck you? Did someone drop out?