Joe Rogan 100% certain he would leave if the UFC sells

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Canadian Heavyweight Poultry Champion
May 30, 2015
no one will ever plug corn nuts like mike goldberg. without the ufc joe rogan will be fine .he is successful in many aspects of life. without the ufc mike goldberg is doing tuesday night hockey games for the new york islanders
Not sure if "doing tuesday night hockey games for the new york islanders" is supposed to be an insult? Pretty sure the NHL is a little bit of a bigger deal than the UFC, MMA...


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Not sure if "doing tuesday night hockey games for the new york islanders" is supposed to be an insult? Pretty sure the NHL is a little bit of a bigger deal than the UFC, MMA...
it is probably a good gig and it is what he actually did for a living before the ufc but he could kiss goodbye the vegas party lifestyle and be fairly anonymous like every other hockey broadcaster not named don cherry or ron mcclean . i personally think they keep goldy and pair him up with stann when rogan retires. goldy is the perfect company man.he plugs whatever product they want no matter how shitty or cheesy.they probably pay him pretty well or else he would be doing hockey or wwe already


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2015
So you're saying Goldberg would be more successful without the UFC?

Goldberg was a great announcer for the Wild, everyone I know was bummed when he left. The Wild attempted to coerce him to quit his fighting gig, but he chose the ufc. This was at a time before mma was as accepted as it is now. I remember wondering if there were enough events held to make a good living as compared to the NHL. He is not my favorite part of the UFC but his job is just to read the ads get into and out of commercial and keep the truck rolling along, he is not the color guy.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Rogan catches a lot of shit, but events just arent the same without him. He is really good at what he does.
Rogan catches a lot of shit, but events just arent the same without him. He is really good at what he does.
He's the best. He has his eye on every single punch and kick and knows immediately what is happening........sometimes I think, what? And then they replay in slow mo and I'm like "oh".
He explained why Werdum got ko'd and it's interesting how he sees all this........some people don't like him, I love him. Ok, crying about rousey is one thing, but this cat is the best at calling fights.


Nov 3, 2015
He's the best. He has his eye on every single punch and kick and knows immediately what is happening........sometimes I think, what? And then they replay in slow mo and I'm like "oh".
He explained why Werdum got ko'd and it's interesting how he sees all this........some people don't like him, I love him. Ok, crying about rousey is one thing, but this cat is the best at calling fights.
So you didn't yourself see how Werdum ran upstairs into his bed to sleep? How old are you? :D