Well yeah it was only a year and a couple months. But take this as an example. You work 7 days a week for years. It becomes normal to you. It doesn't phase you after a while having no days off, working everyday is the way you live. Then all of a sudden, you start taking Sunday's off. And every time you do that, you realize how shitty it feels to go into work on Monday.
I feel like jones may experience something similar to this. He was so accustomed to the fighting lifestyle, it was just his way of life. Then his life got complicated and he had to take a while off. Now he's back into it, and maybe for him it just doesn't feel the same anymore. Maybe he doesn't want to do it as much as he used to, the fire inside died, but he will continue to do it because he has the ability to do it and it brings in money. he realizes he maybe doesn't want to do this for many more years. Or at the very least he doesn't want to make it any harder than it already is and pursue a heavyweight belt.
^ This is all conjecture, but idk it happens to ppl. The work example was literally what my father told me happened to him. He used to work every single day at this store that he and my grandpa owned from like age 18 until at least 40 and then he started taking Sunday's off lol.