Julie Kedzie taking on Piers Morgan on twitter

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May 25, 2015
I think all the fake ass people attending this In Memorium event acting like they care about some dead people, when really they just see another opportunity to get their powdered faces on camera, to be the most inappropriate thing about all this. How about an In Memorium for all the little, insignificant people who had to put up with these pampered, rude, demanding, elitist celebrities and all their stupid fuckin requests for years on end? How about an In Memorium for all the illegal immigrants that raise the children of these soulless sub-humans while they're off jetting around the world, hopped up on cocaine and barbiturates and spreading their venereal diseases?

I could fart in a bottle, seal it up and open it 20 years from now and enjoy the smell over a nice lobster dinner and it would have more meaning than this so called "In Memorium."
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