General Kevin Spacey tried to rape 14 yr old boy in 1986

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Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
^^ do any of them mention Jeffrey Epstein?

I'd be curious, you are right I don't follow MSM because I can't stand it lol

I saw a collage of various MSM headlines all making the story about him coming out, all positive ignoring the age thing.

This whole sudden witch-hunt for sex abusers is really weird imo, either the man behind the curtain is being revealed or its some huge fucking psyop to lead us into something nasty, lol

Spacey-Weinstein-Clinton-Weiner-Podestas-Alefantis these fuckers are all connected, this is fact. Is it still not enough to start taking the theories of WTF is happening more seriously?
The House of Cards are finally coming down ...
Jan 21, 2015
Oh SHIT... OK now you KNOW something is shady:

It is my suspicion that the Royal British family are among the very head of this great secret. Is this photo for real? Why the fuck did Prince Charles give Spacey a medal or whatever he's receiving??

Jan 21, 2015
Charles was BFFs with Savile

Prince Andrew was BFFs with Epstein. The direct associations being linked here are super damning

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Oh SHIT... OK now you KNOW something is shady:

It is my suspicion that the Royal British family are among the very head of this great secret. Is this photo for real? Why the fuck did Prince Charles give Spacey a medal or whatever he's receiving??

As long as Prince Philip is good.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Oh SHIT... OK now you KNOW something is shady:

It is my suspicion that the Royal British family are among the very head of this great secret. Is this photo for real? Why the fuck did Prince Charles give Spacey a medal or whatever he's receiving??

Dat belt buckle!



too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
Wonder if he’d still have came out of the closet if he was caught, say... around 14 years ago?


Jun 23, 2015
Ron Jeremy and James Deen are the latest to be accused. In the porn industry?!? Whodathunkthat.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Oh SHIT... OK now you KNOW something is shady:

It is my suspicion that the Royal British family are among the very head of this great secret. Is this photo for real? Why the fuck did Prince Charles give Spacey a medal or whatever he's receiving??



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
So am I the only that finds it somewhat suspicious that the company that produced the "Sex Junk" song is also the company that didn't fire Spacey over sexual assault allegations 5 years ago?


Jun 23, 2015
I liked Netflix's statement "We only heard about one 5 years ago and we took care of it." seems legit to me.
This is doing my swede in now. Just when we need the final season, you have to fuck it all up for us.

Agh. I'm not condoning anything he did, but I need to see what happens after investing 5 seasons of it.