Man, I’m serious about this when I ask
I have frontal lobe damage from a car accident and my mind is not the same and my memory is fukt, short term is the worst.
what’s the best I could take to get some help?
I’ve been through all kinds of treatments and offered hyperbaric with IV’s but I refused them as I don’t know the truth behind it other than one doctor trying to make money over their competitors
Shit dude...that sounds rough. I can't even imagine. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.
That said, I wish I could offer you some advice, but I can't. I would have no idea what to recommend for something like that.
The thing about kratom is that there are about a gajillion combinations and many of them can seemingly contradict each other.
You've got certain colors that are supposed to be best for one thing. Then certain strains best for another thing. Then certain dosages best for another thing.
Like lower dosages (say 5g or less) are supposed to be best for mental clarity and / or energy, while higher dosages (say 15g or more) are supposed to be for pain. Yet there are some strains & colors that if you take a lower dosage, it supposedly chills you out.
Green veins are supposed to be good for energy, white for mental clarity (might have mixed those two up), and red for pain. Srains like maeng da or bali are good for the cognitive benefits, so it would make sense to take say green or white versions of those, but you can also get a red version (red is supposedly more for pain).
So what would happen if you took a low dosage (better for cognitive) red (better for pain) maeng da (better for cognitive)?
See what I mean? You could go on and on.
And that's not taking gold veins into account or many of the less popular strains. And some outlets create their own mixtures.
The best I can recommend is to do a bunch of research and ask around. When I first got interested in kratom several years ago, there wasn't much more than a few random forum threads here & there. At the time, they'd all tell you "you gotta experiment and see what works for you". I hated the advice, but after trying some, I get why it was more or less the de facto response.
Luckily, there is a LOT more info on kratom online now, so you could do a bit of digging.
I would tell you to NOT get kratom from a local smoke shop, gas station, or any of that other shit. Who know what you're actually getting. I've actually even noticed differences in apparent potency from the different places I get it from online.
I get mine now from Amazing Botanicals. They're cheap, their stuff has always been good quality (at least for me), and shipping has always been quick.
Sorry I can't really offer more than that unless you wanna know what I've personally taken, though I don't think it would much help or apply in your situation.