Society LA is on fire

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fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
In laws evacutate to BIL's house. Now they all evacuated that house to yet another one.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
FIL of course didn't want to leave. I dont get people. "He wants to stay and protect the house."

How? With what?


last 100
Oct 17, 2015
My brother in-law had neck surgery and the next day was home resting when a fire broke out miles away. Within minutes it was closing in around him. Noone could get in touch with him. That fire moved so fast from the wind it was crazy. Luckily someone got to him just as the house started burning. He had no clue until someone shook him awake.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
I dont understand why they wont just leave LA. Now they are in south pasedena. Like let's just keep moving house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood... they keep saying they will move as close as they can each time. So dumb.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I dont understand why they wont just leave LA. Now they are in south pasedena. Like let's just keep moving house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood... they keep saying they will move as close as they can each time. So dumb.
They dont even have to leave L.A county they just have to move to a place like redondo beach and they will never see a fire hit their house these fires happen in fire prone areas in L.A county. They could rent a hotel in long beach for example you can't even see the fire from there and it has never had a wild fire.

fake pie

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2024
Because of you have lots of cash, southern CA is still a great place to be.
LOL I meant right now because of the fire. They have a house in Seattle near us too. They split their time. Also even if they didn't, just drive out of LA already.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
If L.A wasn't half assing the fire fighting efforts we would just invest in about 100 of these planes and have like raytheon make them they are in el segundo along with several plane builders in L.A county

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
LOL they cant even use those because of the winds so nope.
L.A county of all people should design better fire fighting planes we have raytheon and other airplane builders here. Palmer luckey is also from long beach he could have designed a better fire fighting plane.