Liv Morgan update

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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Wrestling Observer is reporting Liv isnt 100% cleared to be in ring this weekend but are still promoting the match as is and having her travel to Australia.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
From Wrestling Inc:

Regarding Liv Morgan suffering the concussion while taking kicks from Brie Bella on RAW two weeks ago, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the referee did not know Morgan was injured. The referee counted when Brie pinned Morgan but Morgan instinctively kicked out as she immediately recovered because it was a flash knockout.

Brie communicated with Morgan in the ring and thought she was at least somewhat alright and conscious as Morgan talked back. Brie tried to get Morgan into the corner and Morgan tried herself to go to the corner but her legs were weak and she stumbled. Brie then said, "She's out," and that's when the referee, Sarah Logan, Ruby Riott and Brie all realized that Morgan was legitimately injured. Riott then tagged herself into the match.

WWE officials backstage at the Gorilla Position did not immediately recognize what was going on as they had to ask the referee what was happening. Dr. Christopher Amann and other backstage medics came to the ring to check on Morgan while the match continued. The referee then missed a pin attempt because he was watching what was happening with Morgan and the medics. Brie yelled about the pin attempt that Riott was making on her and that's when the referee counted the two-count.

Regarding the six-woman suplex spot during the match, Morgan saw the setup and wanted to participate. The referee warned her not to get in the ring but she said she was fine and did the spot. She got rocked during that spot and was dizzy. RAW then went to commercial break and while Morgan was still at ringside, Michael Cole noted on commentary that she was already backstage, for whatever reason. Riott went to ringside to talk with Morgan and Amann as soon as the match ended.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
usually when I see a thread or name I don't understand and click the thread....

it is you guys talking wrasslin

I check a few posts and am totally confused and bail out quick like

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I literally know nothing about chick wrestling and not much about wrestling in general nowadays but this chick while having a dude body has an amazing face:

She probably could have been a better Harley Quinn than Margo Robbie (who couldn't act well if her momma had a gun pointed at her head).

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
I literally know nothing about chick wrestling and not much about wrestling in general nowadays but this chick while having a dude body has an amazing face:

She probably could have been a better Harley Quinn than Margo Robbie (who couldn't act well if her momma had a gun pointed at her head).
Dude body?



Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Dude body?

If you notice she does a lot of sideways poses to attempt to enhance her lack of curves. This is (mostly) straight on:

  • Her shoulders are wider than her hips (common male trait - the "V Shape")
  • Her hips are not particularly round
  • Very parallel, vertical line body shape in general (as opposed to hourglass shape)
Just a lot of dude bod stuff going on. She is not a shapely girl. Very pretty face though (disregarding the fake upper lip and fake chin)


Feb 22, 2015
To actually contribute to this thread, Liv Morgan had some real bad taste in NXT. Or Enzo was actually that charismatic. Simon Gotch did a real thorough verbal beating on him.


Will admit, very true when he talks about that bottom rope spot
Every interview I've heard him do. He's complaining and very cynical. I believe he's right on Enzo. But he comes across as very jealous.