General Man goes out on a hike

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015

This noodle-armed little faggot was able to choke one to death after it attacked him. If he can do it, a 70 year old Asian grandma could do it, too. A Mexican Abuela would drop a mountain lion midair with one of her flip-flops.


Not the size of lion I am envisioning

That article says it is a 30+ lion that had only vegetation in it's belly

I'm thinking of a 100-150+ experienced killer all jacked up, but that type of lion probably prefers elk to human.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022

Not the size of lion I am envisioning

That article says it is a 30+ lion that had only vegetation in it's belly

I'm thinking of a 100-150+ experienced killer all jacked up, but that type of lion probably prefers elk to human.
I'd honestly like to avoid any cat that weights more than 20lbs. Even the little ones will leave you with scars.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I would have pulled the trigger immediately and aimed for the heart.
Then I would take it back and cut it up into steaks and such.
Then put his head on the wall and his body on the floor like any normal person.

I don't think you really want to take a chance in waiting for a mountain lion because your gun could misfire and you need to know your situation ASAP.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
They’ve attacked mountain bikers and have little fear because you can’t carry in the state parks in California.
Another reason to gtfo of California.
That is batshit crazy.