I grew up with guys like Michael and have had trouble understanding the hate he gets. He speaks from the heart and is cocky, but if there is a fighter that gets to the top level in fighting without being cocky, please point him out. The guy has done some shitty things, but the main reason he was hated was for believing, immediately post fight, that he had won a fight the judges gave him. As for the knee and sitting incident, well the knee was illegal and Jorge could have decided he couldn't continue and won the fight. I don't remember if he was deducted a point, but ultimately it didn't matter, but he definitely should have been. In fighting, sometime down the line you have to seriously pay for what you say, and Jorge had run his mouth throughout the lead up, just like Michael did in his bout with Dan Henderson. Jorge put himself into a situation where he was getting into a cage with a violent man who seriously disliked him, just as Michael had done in the past, and they both paid for their sins that night. As for the spitting well, if I even think you've said the stuff that Michael thought they said about his wife, then getting spit at is getting off lightly. This is the fight game and to expect the competitors to be saints is deluding yourself.