Nate is more popular than Conor now

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Feb 16, 2015
At least amongst everybody I've been talking to. It's not like the Holly thing, she was too low-key, Nate is wild as fuck.

Even Beiber is getting bitch slapped by Nate.



He's definitely a good outlet for everyone to vicariously live out the fantasy of wanting to pimp slap someone who deserved it. :D

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
I am so stoked to see the Diaz brothers get the limelight. I can't wait for Nick to come back. Hopefully they give him something he can win.


Oct 20, 2015
I can't believe I used to not like Nick. When Nate was on TUF is when I started to turn around with Nick because I got some background on the both of them. When Nate got into it with Karo was when Nate became one of my favorites. The kid had no fear and his style even back then was fun to watch.

Nick's fight with Gomi was the one that made me a huge fan of him. They are honest dudes that probably scare the hell out of most fighters yet people on the street that don't know them wouldn't think twice about them other than their mean mugs. They will both go down as two of my favorite fighters and I still feel that they don't get enough credit and respect.

Dana should love the both of them because they fight the way Dana says all fighters should, they try to win and they are exciting. Behind the mic they are best kind of cringe-worthy at times but always make me laugh.

Nate deserves everything he got on Saturday night and so much more.



I'm the Wan you've been looking for.
Oct 29, 2015
If Nate continues to handle the press as well as he did for this last fight, and if the UFC gets behind him marketing-wise, he'll be every bit as popular with the casuals as Conor.

Nick as well. He just has to get it through his head that he has to do press stuff and stop smoking early enough to not fail the drug tests.


All hail the Irishman
Feb 8, 2016
any of the Diaz bro's getting the line light makes me happy. He will never eclipse McGregor, but not many will come close to that. Nate's stock will only rise from now on, and I'm gonna enjoy the ride.

Buff Bagginz

Nov 13, 2015
Nate is very hot/popular right now. I see his name in every social media outlet. All kinds of celebs talking about him.

I attended Strikeforce: San Diego when Nick fought Daley and me and my girl at the time, ran into Nate at the weigh ins and took pics and all that and he was the nicest dude there. The next day, we had seats near the fighter entry and Nate spotted us and went over and asked us how we were doing and stuff and man, i have had great respect for Nate since then. Not only did he remember us the next day but he went over and checked up on us. Nat Diaz deserves every great thing happening to him right now.


IQ = 209
Jan 30, 2016
Nate is very hot/popular right now. I see his name in every social media outlet. All kinds of celebs talking about him.

I attended Strikeforce: San Diego when Nick fought Daley and me and my girl at the time, ran into Nate at the weigh ins and took pics and all that and he was the nicest dude there. The next day, we had seats near the fighter entry and Nate spotted us and went over and asked us how we were doing and stuff and man, i have had great respect for Nate since then. Not only did he remember us the next day but he went over and checked up on us. Nat Diaz deserves every great thing happening to him right now.
I liked your post, bro, but i'm gonna have to the see the pics. Pics or GTFO :p

Buff Bagginz

Nov 13, 2015
I hid the pics somewhere because my ex girlfriend hated that one girl i used to date so she tried getting rid of the pics! I'll try to find teh pics. In the meantime, here is a pic of me and Scott Coker at the weigh ins.