General Nic Cage Movies - Discussion Thread

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Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
My wife’s uncle sold Nick Cage back his Bentley about a year or two ago. When Cage was in financial trouble a few years ago he was offloading a bunch of things. His Bentley was custom for him, mullsane I think is what it was called (?). Anyway wife’s uncle purchased it with the understanding that Cage wanted it back at some point. Drove it around for Sunday drives or to events in Vegas. Cage sorted out his finances & bought it back plus all operating costs over the couple years my wife’s uncle had it.

As a side note, the Vegas Bentley dealer charges >$1k for a damn oil change on those things!!!


Dec 20, 2024
Nicholas Cage knows how to surprise: he got the chance to shoot in wild movies, in dramatic films, and even in a rather strange arthouse. The director creates films with opposing characteristics that span from the comedic «Education Arizona» to the intense thriller «Mandy». Sometimes his game seems overly expressive, but it is remembered for a long time. Interestingly, he is not afraid to experiment; he takes on high-budget projects and independent films. You can find numerous movies by his authorship on entertainment platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime and additional streaming channels.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Man him and Cusak both made a string of terrible movies to get out of debt. Good on him for doing it, but there's some hot garbage in his imdb lol