Sci/Tech Official Bitcoin to infinity ♾️ thread

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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
I'd love to know why orange pillers never entertain hypothetical situations. Ever..
To me that's a form of pressure testing.

I know why. Because every claim falls to pieces if you do that.
The price of entry to opine on bitcoin is to pledge elegance in perpetuity.

It fucking disgusting. This whole shit.
Listen to how carefully eric trump chooses his words. Bitcoiners know all the bullshit he's saying.
The " retail " investors are sucked in .
It's as enticing as any MLM scheme ever.
Listen to this bullshiter.
As I said. Bitcoiners know he's bullshiting. But saying it without technically lying.
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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Bitcoin is shit.
It was supposed to be a peer to peer medium of exchange, decentralised , untraceable,untrackable, untaxable.
It's none of those thing's.
Somewhere along the line it " became a store of value" . Conveniently at the time it was way to slow to use as a medium of exchange.
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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Un traceable.
If you want to run your own full node

But even then someone paying or receiving payments is probably using a 3rd party custodian. That will get traced through there. The government are already tracking " suspicious " payments
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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Nothing about it is decentralised, unless you mean that it requires at least 1 person run a full node to keep the system " secure"
Or you could say, "anyone can run a full node to verify any nefarious activity and alert everybody, in which case everyone would immediately know the system is compromised and sell their bitcoin causing the price to crash, and why would anyone sabotage themselves:.

Greatest system ever devised, am I right?

But the truth is. Transactions are super slow.
The miners( the people with the ASICS hardware and electricity to run it )will rely on fees , especially now as the mining is so much less profitable.
The whole shit about lifting poorer countries out of poverty is bullshit when they are making $2 a day and the transaction fee is $6.
Mining pools grow larger and as the incentive to mine reduces they will inevitably gain a larger percentage of the hashrate. Ooohhh the dreded 51% attack possibility.
Bit the bigger concern is the bitcon core group who dictate what will and won't be considered to be used as an " upgrade "
It's 5 people.
It's like saying the federal reserve bank isn't part of a central bank because it has 12 board members, so how could it be central central." And what's the IMF anyway ?"
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Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Bitcoin is sold on a complete pack of lies.
Is so slow and shit they had to create a separate load of shit called the lighting network just to make it half usable for medium of exchange. Which is garbage and everyone knows it .
It also cant do as promised without creating a 3rd party custodian. Which was not the bill of goods sold.
3rd party custodians are unreliable and can steel your shit. They basically, not basically. They do take your crypto keys , wallet.
But that's the price of doing business I guess?

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
^ do I gotta be that guy that says" look at FTX ". I guess I Do.
And there's been may others and there will be many more.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
That's part of the reason bitcoiners don't by or sell within anymore and just hodle like assholes and use it for what it is now. A speculation.

Did I miss anything out or misrepresent anything? @Silva

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Bitcoin is the greatest waste of energy ever invented. By fucking far.

Notice how I didn't mention some bullshit about " bad for the environment " or some shit.
Yeah . I said what I ment and what I ment is true.
The fuck with this faggot shit about lifting poor countries out of poverty.
The absolute best thing that can be done for them is provide / or let them provide for themselves cheap energy.

To give you guys an idea of how much of a complete waste of energy and untenable bitcoin is.. here you go.
Of all of the money transactions we currently do were done with bitcoin. It would use more energy than we produce in the entire world. Fact.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
And that's supposed to be the greatest system ever devised or some shit ?????

The sha sm256 chip was chose by the almighty himself. Isn't that right Silva ( no offence intended).

It's un fucking believable.
But what do we get told. Oohh . It's bad for the environment.
Fuck me.
Fucking fuck me.

Can't believe I almost forgot to mention that one.
What else did I miss Silva ?

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Oh. Maybe that the whole grand design is intentionly designed to run slow. Like way slow like at the rate of 6.25 transactions a second and no more. Even though current computing power is capable of 1000x + with a good interest connection.

But the holy anointed one didn't design it that way so let's all stick to that so people can run a full node off their Ipone 1right ?

Sorry mate. I'm not trying to be mean .
Do you understand the absurdity of this shit????
Why is this never the pitch when people are suckered into bitcoin.?
Do you understand when I say it's all bullshit?

Fuck. Even the " there can only ever be 21 million bitcoins is complete bullshit".

Bushkill Blades

Knife Faggot
Oct 25, 2016
See, this is why I have a Jewish money guy for most of my stuff. It's not much, but he does well.

I don't have the time or brain to think on this shit lol.

I just want to make some leftover money work for me in a different way.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Every single claim about it is bullshit.
What are you talking about?
Sounds like you’re just ranting with no actual issue stated. What is it that you’re disappointed with?
It does take a lot to understand. I learned about Bitcoin when it was first introduced because I was online in forum chats with cryptographers that were geeked about it, but I wasn’t tech savvy so I didn’t think I was capable of understanding it and moved on from it. It wasn’t until later that I decided I needed to understand it more and took more time to get into it. I couldn’t tell you how long to study because it’s different for everyone.
It’s simple to just buy some and hold onto it but it’s not simple to understand if you want to get into the weeds of more technical information, monetary theory and how things all work together.
Sometimes people can’t accept it, it’s like their ego doesn’t allow them to come to grips with the totality of their lack of understanding finance and maybe bruised ego because they feel like they are too late.
It’s kind of weird.
They sell the 2013 version of bitcoin and profit from assholes not knowing any better.
Not sure what you’re even talking about. Yeah I’m sure some people have sold some, but the on chain data shows that like something like 70% are longer term holders, and someone selling is good, it’s more distribution, so who cares?


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
See, this is why I have a Jewish money guy for most of my stuff. It's not much, but he does well.

I don't have the time or brain to think on this shit lol.

I just want to make some leftover money work for me in a different way.
That’s the things, Bitcoin is simple for that.
If you want to buy some and let it be a savings that grows instead of getting deflated away, it’s perfect for that. No need to get into the weeds of running a node or multiple wallets.
I like to understand something deeply if I’m going to advocate for it, but I that’s just me. I get that it’s not for everyone to dive deep on it.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Bitcoin is shit.
It was supposed to be a peer to peer medium of exchange, decentralised , untraceable,untrackable, untaxable.
It's none of those thing's.
Somewhere along the line it " became a store of value" . Conveniently at the time it was way to slow to use as a medium of exchange.
Sounds like you like to take in all kinds of shitcoin marketing and do no actual research for yourself.
-It is peer to peer. I use it quite often like that. So you’re wrong.
-As a whole throughout society the Medium of exchange comes after store of value. But people that have been in bitcoin a long time do use it as a MoE. So again you’re being a little over dramatic. No one claimed everything would happen over night.
-It was never claimed to be untraceable or untrackable, because that’s how they can verify the hard cap, but that is on purpose. Not to spy on anyone, it’s pseudonymous unless you buy through a regulated exchange.
You can mine it and earn it and buy direct from miners to keep your anonymity and preserve your privacy. But again, you have to take time to learn the damn thing.
As far as untaxable, again, not sure where you get that from.
If you have a stack of bitcoin being held there is no tax on it.
If you sell through an exchange, you have a paper trail, only a fuckin moron would think the IRS wouldn’t want you to pay taxes on it.
If it’s not tied to you in any way, there is nothing that can be used to make you pay a tax when you use it peer to peer.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Bitcoin is the greatest waste of energy ever invented. By fucking far.

Notice how I didn't mention some bullshit about " bad for the environment " or some shit.
Yeah . I said what I ment and what I ment is true.
The fuck with this faggot shit about lifting poor countries out of poverty.
The absolute best thing that can be done for them is provide / or let them provide for themselves cheap energy.

To give you guys an idea of how much of a complete waste of energy and untenable bitcoin is.. here you go.
Of all of the money transactions we currently do were done with bitcoin. It would use more energy than we produce in the entire world. Fact.
This is beyond retarded.
We collectively use way more power to dry your fuckin underwear and power Christmas lights than we do on securing the hardest digital monetary system invented.
Energy cost is objective. I bet you have no idea how much the network depends on low cost energy and wasted energy already, thereby being a net positive in energy consumption in comparison to many other things we don’t even mind using energy.
Comparisons don’t even come close.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
That's part of the reason bitcoiners don't by or sell within anymore and just hodle like assholes and use it for what it is now. A speculation.

Did I miss anything out or misrepresent anything? @Silva
Pretty much wrong on everything, but it’s all shit I’ve heard from some other clowns promoting some other shitcoins at one point or another. So I’m not mad at you for thinking this, even though it’s completely wrong. It’s just not based on anything realistically true when put in context.
I can handle any questions you have. I don’t have all the answers and I don’t know the future but I’ve been pretty accurate so far. And I’m always learning. Always willing to learn I’m wrong about the way I understand things.
Sources matter. You should know that.
And Bitcoin isn’t completely incorruptible, I’ve never said that, but it currently is the most decentralized, most secure, peer to peer cryptocurrency out there. Anyone claiming otherwise can’t prove it.
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