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Chimonos Revenge

Fortune and Glory Kid
Oct 28, 2015
From Alta Global's website:

The Underground &
Since its 1998 inception, The Underground has been a pivotal force in MMA, and with its integration into the Alta Global Group following the acquisition of in November 2023, our portfolio gains significant strength, leveraging’s top 3 global ranking, 530,000 user profiles, 15 million views, and over 5 million social media followers to actively engage fans and shape help support gyms, coaches, and participants.

I love how they try to take credit here, when all they did is run in straight into the ground


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2023
As I understand it, Nitecrawler was the first to get banned without warning, word, or anything.

Camicom started a thread asking what happened, it ballooned up to 2k+ replies almost immediately, then they started banhammering everyone else - including (I think) all the mods.
they did not say a word to any of the mods. We are just as shocked and disappointed as everyone else.

we will survive here if necessary. You fuckers cannot get away that easily.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
funny, all of the people i can think of who have been banned recently you would call a "leftist". and, by my observation, the righttards all celebrated them.

unless, maybe you were posting on a different OG than i was?
People who got banned, were banned because they were incessant trolls - not because of their views.

Everyone - including you - knows this. Don't be a dipshit.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Yes it’s awful and there is a reason this site never gained any popularity or traction
1) Does it 'suck' or is it different than what you've been using for the past 20 years?

2) This site 'never got traction' because of many of you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and preferred to be treated like battered housewives, than experience change.

3) The guy who developed the forum sunk his heart, soul, and endless hours of his time into creating the endless amount of features offered here...while being a Doctor and active military, in his spare time. I think all things considered, it turned out okay.

Chimonos Revenge

Fortune and Glory Kid
Oct 28, 2015
Steppen innovates the fitness industry by aggregating content creators and crafting tailored fitness programs for Generation Z.

Another of Alta's "assets"
Tailoring fitness programs to Gen Z. That's what will become of the OG. Fitness programs for nerds who can't curl a gallon of milk.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
1) Does it 'suck' or is it different than what you've been using for the past 20 years?

2) This site 'never got traction' because of many of you suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and preferred to be treated like battered housewives, than experience change.

3) The guy who developed the forum sunk his heart, soul, and endless hours of his time into creating the endless amount of features offered here...while being a Doctor and active military, in his spare time. I think all things considered, it turned out okay.
Yeah it's just different. It's a nice clean setup.

Impressive for a guy to do this in his off time.