Personal Ordered a DNA kit from Ancestry dot com

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member 3289

Fuck yeah! That's the whole idea behind this little scam.

That and to tell white people that are really mullatos.

It's all a part of the lunatic left's agenda.
See that's another thing I'm afraid of.

I simply cannot hear that I have even a drop of shithole country blood running though my veins...


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
"Anyone with a spare $100 to $900 can buy a "DNA ancestry kit." Self-collection of DNA requires only a quick swab of the inside of the mouth to gather cheek cells. Mail that smear back and the company will then compare your DNA to various other samples.

But claims that this analysis will tell you much about where you came from are downright fraudulent, anthropologist Deborah Bolnick of the University of Texas at Austin and 14 co-authors recently reported.

Instead of tracing our genetic past, what we get is a scientific scam.

"It sure looks like science," says anthropologist Jonathan Marks of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, one of the authors of the study. "Well, it is science. It’s done by scientists, and it’s done on DNA samples. And it produces real data."

But, Marks points out, these companies are preying on the public because they simply don’t have enough comparative information to pinpoint a gene on a world map. They might match your DNA to some group on some continent, but what they don’t tell you is that you would probably also match the group next door if only they had some of those samples as well.

More insidious, these companies pretend to trace your unique ancestry through mitochondrial DNA, but that’s simply not possible. A few hundred years, a few generations, and every person's history is a genetic mishmash. One little gene isn't going to inform anybody about anything.

As Marks puts it, "That’s the beauty of this scam. The companies aren’t scamming you. They’re not giving you fraudulent information. They are giving you data, real data, and allowing you to scam yourself."

Humans have, in fact, turned the whole world into one large genetic melting pot. We have always been a species that crossed mountains, continents and oceans; we have always loved to mate outside our ancestral group.

If you want to know who you are, look in the mirror. Written on your face is countless generations that have survived to reproduce, and the only thing you can realistically do at this point is thank them and then move forward."

DNA Kits: Secrets of Your Past or Scientific Scam?

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I am a half scientific guy. Why come we only have 3 (according to my understanding) half African dudes on here? I've got more African than that. Starting to look bang Leighton. Wild @Wild


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Sister was almost 40% Italian and about 40% Jew on Ancestry, but I was only 8%. We have the same father and different mothers, but my paternal grandmother came out 85% Italian on Ancestry. Makes zero sense for me to only be 8%.
What was your other 32%?

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Converting inches to centimetres. Can't abide you people.
I typically have to convert inches to centimeters and then convert that to French.

For example. 2 and 3/4 inches is approx 7 cm which is roughly 220 French.
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