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TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
It would take roughly 64 nuclear power plants to make up for that energy, or about 200,000 wind turbines, or solar farms that would cover the entire state of Delaware. Again, when using perspective, coal is much cleaner than originally perceived.

Such a meme is cute, but it doesn't mention a solution. A viable one. And yes, there's no such thing as clean coal, or rather, energy without some sort of footprint. But when considering the alternatives, coal is unfortunately part of the solution, it just needs to be met with clean technology such as carbon capture technology of some sorts.


Nov 3, 2015
or about 200,000 wind turbines
Germany has about 30k of those, with roughly being 30 times smaller in landmass and having about 8 times higher population density than the US, not even counting the immense difference in offshore space.

By that math the US could have a million of them running, 200k should be no problem at all. It just takes the will to do it.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
It would take roughly 64 nuclear power plants to make up for that energy, or about 200,000 wind turbines, or solar farms that would cover the entire state of Delaware. Again, when using perspective, coal is much cleaner than originally perceived.

Such a meme is cute, but it doesn't mention a solution. A viable one. And yes, there's no such thing as clean coal, or rather, energy without some sort of footprint. But when considering the alternatives, coal is unfortunately part of the solution, it just needs to be met with clean technology such as carbon capture technology of some sorts.
Have you ever been to Delaware?

What you're suggesting would be an improvement.
Oct 24, 2015
Seen a bid that they made a CIG sort if like this back in the days. Guess big tobacco said no to it as it would mark there product as unsafe. Wonder if what's next is letting tobacco companies advertising on TV again. Deregulation of meth production, mexico is beating the US in that aspect. Meth was Americas drug. #MAGA


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Germany has about 30k of those, with roughly being 30 times smaller in landmass and having about 8 times higher population density than the US, not even counting the immense difference in offshore space.

By that math the US could have a million of them running, 200k should be no problem at all. It just takes the will to do it.
I think wind energy is absolutely a great solution. No impact on health or environment.

But we'll have to consider when they become numerous in certain areas, there's going to be noise polution, birds will be affected by them, and visually the landscape is affected as well. The immense production cost vs. output of energy is a factor as well. And wind is not always there, thus they are not likely to actually replace conventional reactors, but will be more of a supplement. Lastly, it's ironic, but of course those wind turbines use electricity themselves, no matter what the weather conditions.

I am glad it is there, and I am sure we are heading the right direction, but it's not a fact yet, that we can quit coal all together. Don't just buy that Tesla just yet.


Nov 3, 2015
I think wind energy is absolutely a great solution. No impact on health or environment.

But we'll have to consider when they become numerous in certain areas, there's going to be noise polution, birds will be affected by them, and visually the landscape is affected as well. The immense production cost vs. output of energy is a factor as well. And wind is not always there, thus they are not likely to actually replace conventional reactors, but will be more of a supplement. Lastly, it's ironic, but of course those wind turbines use electricity themselves, no matter what the weather conditions.

I am glad it is there, and I am sure we are heading the right direction, but it's not a fact yet, that we can quit coal all together. Don't just buy that Tesla just yet.
Oh please, you said 200k would do it, so no need to preach that stuff now.

Its costly eh? Has to be build eh? How about getting all those rust belt unemployed on it and on energy storage? Make a big fucking countrywide project out of it, invest a lot, but get many positives out of it for the future.
It really is solely a question of will.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
Oh please, you said 200k would do it, so no need to preach that stuff now.

Its costly eh? Has to be build eh? How about getting all those rust belt unemployed on it and on energy storage? Make a big fucking countrywide project out of it, invest a lot, but get many positives out of it for the future.
It really is solely a question of will.
They are actually increasing the numbers of wind turbines here. I see a lot of that going on in Indiana as well. But still, they are not a perfect solution, who wants to look at those things next to their house right? They're not exactly subtle. Off shore would be the best.

And yes, it is costly, and someone has to pay for it, you? me? It's so easy to make a cute meme, until you find out we are the recipients of such low cost energy to keep our iPhones and Tesla's running. The benefits are clear, all I am saying is, it is not as simple as shutting coal off. Even when building 200,000 of these things, we still look at over 20 years of production, if we can find places people agree to have them, overhaul the grid system, and create electricity storage.

Your eagerness to build reminds me of Trump, by the way. You've made great strides.

member 3289

Maybe rather have a couple more of those things than some new tanks. A question of will.
Maybe meet your own NATO commitments first before you try to convince others to slash their defense budgets thanks.

Those tanks we put on the eastern front will probably keep your children from having Russian as their mother tongue.


Nov 3, 2015
Maybe meet your own NATO commitments first before you try to convince others to slash their defense budgets thanks.

Those tanks we put on the eastern front will probably keep your children from having Russian as their mother tongue.
I would fill up the rest of the defense budget with creating the most modern nuclear weapons. And drive your trash out of our country.
Sadly we are not allowed to take care of our own defense, so kindly fuck off.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I would fill up the rest of the defense budget with creating the most modern nuclear weapons. And drive your trash out of our country.
Sadly we are not allowed to take care of our own defense, so kindly fuck off.
Come on, you have hordes of Turks to defend you against the Russians.