General Poor Man's Game: Gold,Silver,Platinum, and Palladium

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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Damn 31.95 right now, goes to 50 I'm cashing out
I doubt that, although anything can happen.
AG has hit $50 twice in the last 45 years.
Both times far less than its value.
In 1980, $50 is more like what, $300 now?
In 2011'ish...$120?

The future is uncertain totally, but let's work that out.
Let's say Youtube doesn't censor precious metals knowledge.
If silver hits $50, it's within a monetary crisis.
The 1% own 50% of the wealth, and need to protect it.
What are better options than gold & silver?
Gold massively undervalued, silver the most suppressed asset in history.
1) Most conductive
2) Most heat transferrable
3) most reflective
4) most healthy
5) self-healing structurally

At even 16-1 gold-silver ratio, say the DOW crashes to 6-8k, most likely gold gets revalued 1-1, so 6 or 8k.
It's hoarded by governments, and silver is what's left.
16-1, which is double the mining rate of around 7-1, silver sits at $375/oz. which is far less than its worth on earth.
If it's going to 50, it's definitely going to $100 & higher.

Certainly a mass casualty event changes that, but likely includes war & health, where silver's needed industrially.
Another factor is certainly CBDC's, which would probably include "buybacks" rather than confiscation in a slow boil, like gold in the great depression era.
Another factor is population & rarity.
Silver's historic highs are never calculated per capita, IE 1920, 80, & 2011 value per human.
Those $50 highs had half the population, so were really $100 give or take.

So if info is free flowing, FOMO would drive silver to unobtanium levels.
I personally think there will be very bad things in this scenario or in any, but $50 is like selling when its on the rise.
In a free market, silver would be in the high hundreds surely.

I have no idea what happens, but do know holding the most suppressed & helpul metal on eath, easily tested by plebes with a ping test, easily recognized by populations, is like taking fire; right over the target.
That said, I get it, but I'd rather hold it when a suppressed asset trades me for a dinner out on the town per oz. when it ought to buy me a top of the line 12 pc. Milwaukee set, with batteries of course.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Jeebus silver.

BRICS meeting in 4 days and silver is looking like it knows.

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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015


Terrible narration, great charts, as usual.
Sometimes I wonder if it's by design.

I did not know in nominal terms that silver broke above it's 1980 high in Canadian fiat dollars.
For anyone not paying attention,, Silver is dirt cheap because you can exchange it with pieces of paper.
Although diversification is important , and tech stocks may be the place to be at the moment if they yield favorable dividends, They are still just a casino and you do not own the stock.
Since the beginning of this thread silver has doubled and you hold it in your hand.
What weighs far less is gold and has been up at least 40%.


I swear I do declare! How did she get back there?
Aug 13, 2024
I get that, but miners are really under-valued imo...


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
Crazy that not long ago it was yuge news that gold was dancing just above $2k and now it's closing in on $3k.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Anyone remember the bet between ZNed and ZGuard for the price of gold, I always thought it was awesome that ZNed still honored it after all these years.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
No hammer yet?

Hasn't yet. In fact the dixie gained 50 cents & pm's still held or continued up.




BRICS meeting has gotta move them tomorrow imo, although futures are trading sideways.
Pretty sure Russia doesn't control finviz.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Palladiym up bigly in 1 day, like silver last friday.
+ 6.27%

I find this interesting

Up nearly 10% , $100/oz.ON THE DAY.

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