General POS radical palestinian moose-lims back at it again...

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Your boy Fetterman disagrees...


The big lie she spread...

I do not believe Hamas, Israeli, or America since they all have a history of lying

hospital aside (since that is just a squirrel) Fetterman is very wrong on his unconditional support for israel, and it materially changes how I view him as a politician and human

Israel had the moral high ground and they threw it away.

Israel is committing war crimes, and America is complicit

WARNING: severely injured/dying children

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
There was a time when I casually said things to friends and family such as "we should turn that whole area to glass"

I was never racist or prejudiced; I was just brainwashed and ignorant


Nov 14, 2019
Verified Accounts on X Spread 74% of Wartime Misinformation

The platform’s “verified” users, who now pay to have a blue check, pushed 74% of X’s most viral false Israel-Hamas war-related claims, according to a NewsGuard analysis shared with Adweek.

“This is another nail in the coffin for X in terms of deteriorating advertisers’ trust,” said Ruben Schreurs, chief strategy officer at independent marketing and media consultancy Ebiquity. “And they’re enforcing their decision not to return to X.”

In its first week of conflict beginning Oct. 7, the news rating company analyzed the top 250 posts containing misinformation that received the most likes, reposts, replies and bookmarks, and found 186 accounts of the 250—74%—were verified by X. NewsGuard identifies misinformation using a combination of humans and artificial intelligence.

The verified accounts promoted 10 false narratives, such as claims that Ukraine sold weapons to Hamas and a video of Israeli senior officials being captured by Hamas.

Collectively, posts promoting false claims garnered 1,349,979 likes, reposts, replies and bookmarks, and were viewed by more than 100 million people globally in a week, per NewsGuard.


“That decision [to let people pay for verification] turned out to be a boon for bad actors sharing misinformation about the Israel-Hamas war,” according to NewsGuard.

Under Musk’s leadership, advertisers have grown increasingly uneasy, leading to a stop in ad spend. Since the acquisition, the platform’s ad revenue has declined each month, per Reuters. Meanwhile, ad rates have plummeted by more than 75% and X hit a three-year low, with CPMs as low as 61 cents as of August, according to the 2023 State of Social Media CPM report by Gupta Media.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
David= Israel
Goliath=Philistine aka Palestianian

This has been going on for thousands of years.

Palestianians believe Ishmael their descendent was taken to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah, not Isaac.
And the promised land should be Ishmael's as Abraham's first son to the concubine Hagar, ousted by Sarah, Abraham's true love.

The Jacob/Esau story goes deep.
"Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated, says the Lord".
Esau selling his birthrite to Jacob for a bowl of soup.
Jacob grabbing Esau's heel during birth, twins.
And the birthrite "blessing" by Isaac to Jacob confirming the Abrahamic covenant of the promised land.
The lost tribes & known.
The stone under the British/Scottish thrones, "stone of destiny".

These folks have been running it back for thousands of years.
Judah/Israel held the land before Palestine, and it's been conquered a billion times.

Unfixable except by God himself.
I wasn't there & can't take sides, except to be emotionally jarred by crispy fried fetuses.
What I do know for sure is Palestianians seem to have no regard for life as others do, at least from a physical perspective.
The same could be said of Jews through banking.
But Israel seems to hold history & innovation in much higherr regards, from antiquities & farming to record-keeping.
Islam serms to want to burn everything down & bury it, all the time.


Dec 15, 2018
David= Israel
Goliath=Philistine aka Palestianian

This has been going on for thousands of years.

Palestianians believe Ishmael their descendent was taken to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah, not Isaac.
And the promised land should be Ishmael's as Abraham's first son to the concubine Hagar, ousted by Sarah, Abraham's true love.

The Jacob/Esau story goes deep.
"Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated, says the Lord".
Esau selling his birthrite to Jacob for a bowl of soup.
Jacob grabbing Esau's heel during birth, twins.
And the birthrite "blessing" by Isaac to Jacob confirming the Abrahamic covenant of the promised land.
The lost tribes & known.
The stone under the British/Scottish thrones, "stone of destiny".

These folks have been running it back for thousands of years.
Judah/Israel held the land before Palestine, and it's been conquered a billion times.

Unfixable except by God himself.
I wasn't there & can't take sides, except to be emotionally jarred by crispy fried fetuses.
What I do know for sure is Palestianians seem to have no regard for life as others do, at least from a physical perspective.
The same could be said of Jews through banking.
But Israel seems to hold history & innovation in much higherr regards, from antiquities & farming to record-keeping.
Islam serms to want to burn everything down & bury it, all the time.
Jews = Control the media/kill muslims
palestinians/muslims = Kill everyone while chanting allah Snackbar



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The Fed is running the west, plenty of Jews in there.
If they had brains & a history lesson they'd be protesting to cut the head of the chicken, not its feet.

Rarely have I heard of protests at the right location, recently in Switzerland at the Rothschild mansion....if that is legit(despite "fact-checking")....WTO Seattle, a handful of others.


Dec 15, 2018
This should be a hate crime. It is also disturbing that hamas sympathizers are students at an engineering school in the u.s the terrorist attacks in the future are going to be better planned out attacks on the grid or water by hamas sympathizers.
Nothing but POS...


