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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Great band.

Midnight oil...Singer went on to be a decent politician too.
My father has a seething hatred for the singer after he poked his nose in to the BC forestry industry .He went all Greta on clear cut logging back in the day.he has always been public enemy number 1 at the old man's house.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Indian @sex chicken tried to add me on Facebook. Quite often you get random bot accounts try to add ya, this seems like a real person tho, I snooped around for a bit (I work with lots of indians and pakistani folks, many go by nicknames) but nah. Just some curry loving version of sex chicken

View attachment 33904
You need to add him, then send a message referring to him as "Indian Sex Chicken" and post the response you get on here.