Can't watch the vid now as am at work, but.......Actual video of@John Lee Pettimore debating a flat earther politely
Took a call an hour ago where literally the first words I heard were "YOU'VE TAKEN MY RIGHTS, YOU CUNTS!", followed a moment later by a threat to burn down the building I'm sitting in. All because this conspiracy nutjob got a visit from the cops and a firetruck this afternoon when he made a massive bonfire in his backyard, 10m from his neighbour's attached garage. He was then told not to do that again, or he'd get a misdemeanour. For that, I got a massive rant about freedom, tyranny, rights, I'm a fucking Nazi, I work for Joseph Ardern, here's a random rant about Five Eyes, and Elon's satellites, etc etc etc.
This is what youtube /Facebook conspiracy shit does to a person. It poisons minds. I hear it all the time. These people aren't amusing. They are sick, there are a LOT of them, they're causing massive damage to society, and they are only getting more radicalised and more extreme.
That's why I'm not so big on the "what? They're funny, and the mainstream left is just as bad anyway." I'm not humourless about too many subjects, but conspiracy fuckwits and their enablers/excusers? Yeah.... guilty as charged, for sure. ?
But...... something more heartwarming, to change it up.

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