Lol he is cradling that truck like a newborn in the mural.
He got feet like Sideshow Bob.
Dude my first summer in Yuma the AC broke. It was 110+ I was waking up at 4am and it was 90. I've never sweat so much. Butterbean would've made atomweight. Fuck knows how people managed to survive before air conditioning
Ah the ol' "Rolling Faceplant", that's a high level move to lull your opponent into a false sense of security.
I’m a Lions fan, so I haven’t watched any football since the playoff loss to Dallas. Fuckin’ bullshit game.
A little context.
Old picture. I've been changing a couple times since then!A little context.
German shot put champion Heidi Krieger gets sex-change operation after being unwittingly doped with PEDs in 1970s
Giving anabolic steroids to a teenage girl does a whole lot more than help her win a gold medal - it can change her body forever. Exhibit A: East German shotput champion Heidi Krieger, who was so masculinized by the drugs her coaches gave her that she later chose to become a man, undergoing