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Jun 23, 2015
Nah. He's read it, and I will keep exposing him. Dude might the pettiest fakest guy on this forum. It takes about 8 seconds to read that, he just has no retort so he will play dumb.

I kind of feel bad for him but he is digging his own hole. I think we need a intervention and fly a group of us to meet him and get him some pussy and some sensibility.
As you were, fill yer boots. They may end up filled with concrete but you carry on!


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I do see his point tho. I saw McKenzie for the first time on the UFC the other day and I don't think they would let her in Liv.

She probably dolls up a bit but it would be touch and go from what I hear about the chicks there

I been to liv, nothing special. If you took 20 random girls that go to liv, she would not be the hottest but she would easily be in the top 1/3.

It really is just a overpriced and perfect place for suckers to go to think they are somewhere cool. The real parties are the after parties and house parties.

Unless you are 22 years old or younger, you either know that or can't see it.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
You actually read that shit?

You are kind of a whacko. You where all buddy buddy with me up until I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot. We are like the only 2 left leaning guys on this forum and you would dap me up every day.

Then you are such a sad petty fool that as soon as I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot, all of a sudden you been on this petty bs ever since. Dude, you are fake as fuck. I post here a lot, I mean a lot, and you actually have a higher rate of posting than me, including on the weekend evenings. Nothing wrong with that, but the fact you keep telling us how much you party and how hot girls are not actually hot, yet you are on here 24/7. All you do is show everyone you are 100% lying.

Probably this post is too long for you, it's more than 2 paragraphs, but the quicker you stop being a fake poser and petty the quicker you will get respect. It's gonna be alright, tell you what came chill with me and I will show you how to talk to woman, get pussy and be cool. DasRy


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
You actually read that shit?
Well he kept posting it, I figured maybe it was a decent alternative ending to LOST or something. Alas it was about McKenzie dern thus I addressed it.

The only posts I tend not to read are usually political ones, ones about pot or ones commenting on a video that had no cliffs for me to read.

member 3289

Well he kept posting it, I figured maybe it was a decent alternative ending to LOST or something. Alas it was about McKenzie dern thus I addressed it.

The only posts I tend not to read are usually political ones, ones about pot or ones commenting on a video that had no cliffs for me to read.
The only long posts I read are the ones written by intelligent people like kneeblock @Kneeblock or @Splinty (less intelligent than kneeblock but you get my point) or someone like that.

No way in hell I'm reading multiple paragraphs written by a retard who doesn't know the difference between where/were.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Well he kept posting it, I figured maybe it was a decent alternative ending to LOST or something. Alas it was about McKenzie dern thus I addressed it.

The only posts I tend not to read are usually political ones, ones about pot or ones commenting on a video that had no cliffs for me to read.

How long did it take you to read it broski


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
The only long posts I read are the ones written by intelligent people like kneeblock @Kneeblock or @Splinty (less intelligent than kneeblock but you get my point) or someone like that.

No way in hell I'm reading multiple paragraphs written by a retard who doesn't know the difference between where/were.

You are kind of a whacko. You where all buddy buddy with me up until I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot. We are like the only 2 left leaning guys on this forum and you would dap me up every day.

Then you are such a sad petty fool that as soon as I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot, all of a sudden you been on this petty bs ever since. Dude, you are fake as fuck. I post here a lot, I mean a lot, and you actually have a higher rate of posting than me, including on the weekend evenings. Nothing wrong with that, but the fact you keep telling us how much you party and how hot girls are not actually hot, yet you are on here 24/7. All you do is show everyone you are 100% lying.

Probably this post is too long for you, it's more than 2 paragraphs, but the quicker you stop being a fake poser and petty the quicker you will get respect. It's gonna be alright, tell you what came chill with me and I will show you how to talk to woman, get pussy and be cool. DasRy


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Well I wasn't counting but if iirc it was around 8 seconds


We all know @conor mcgregor nut hugger has read it. Again more proof of how fake he is. He just knows it's the truth so he is dicktucking, as I knew he will always do.

We should fly to wherever he is and give him some pointers and find him some pussy. It may clear his head up and he may start being real and not fake. Let's do it, it will be like when Will Smith helped what's his face in hitch. We are helpers without hamburgers, just helpers LOL.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Again, zero chance you'd say this shit to my face
other way around coward,

You are kind of a whacko. You where all buddy buddy with me up until I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot. We are like the only 2 left leaning guys on this forum and you would dap me up every day.

Then you are such a sad petty fool that as soon as I told you Mackenzie Dern is hot, all of a sudden you been on this petty bs ever since. Dude, you are fake as fuck. I post here a lot, I mean a lot, and you actually have a higher rate of posting than me, including on the weekend evenings. Nothing wrong with that, but the fact you keep telling us how much you party and how hot girls are not actually hot, yet you are on here 24/7. All you do is show everyone you are 100% lying.

Probably this post is too long for you, it's more than 2 paragraphs, but the quicker you stop being a fake poser and petty the quicker you will get respect. It's gonna be alright, tell you what came chill with me and I will show you how to talk to woman, get pussy and be cool. DasRy


First 100
Jan 16, 2015

@Splinty and his hoe MoDs when they realize I have re-appointed myself as chief regulator after a lengthy retirement