Had a perfect opportunity to sink the legs in and control him, I will be honest, defensive tactics taught in the academy suck and then there is no training after that.
Officers need to train on their own to get comfortable going hands on if they don't have a grappling background. My Bjj instructor is a local chief and offers free classes for LEO. Sadly not enough take advantage of that.
There is a final fight at the end of the academy against a resistive subject where you have to handcuff them. Due to my wrestling and Bjj background I hit him with a Russian 2 on 1 ankle sweep and had him in handcuffs in 30 seconds. They made me fight 3 other guys because they thought it was a fluke. Then they invited me to help with defensive tactics. I told them them their program doesn't work in the real world against someone resistive and they need to update the training. Goose neck wrist locks don't work in the real world.
Blank stares.