Remember when cell phones weren't around?

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Merkin' fools since pre-school
Apr 25, 2015
Something I've experienced lately, or more that I've just become more aware of given my current circumstances and lack of facebook, is that people no longer put any energy into relationships of any kind outside of an app or text. In the past 2 weeks I've had 3 guys give me their number and been told to "text them." I'm not 25. I'm almost 40 years old. And these dudes are in their mid-40's.

No one has to put any energy into anything. I've been single for so long because any guy that even has interest for a second, quickly loses it when I'm not blowing up his phone or trying to hang out with him every day. My fierce independence partly gets in the way of that but I don't even have time to get that far if I'm just being given a phone number and told to text them. Nah, biggest turn off. If you have interest, show it. Put in the tiniest bit of effort. Ask me to meet you for coffee.

But fact is since they don't have to put that energy into anyone, they don't. They can go on pof and find 20 chicks to chat with that will stroke their ego or give them attention. Nobody can handle having their phone not ring or not get texts constantly. My phone goes off maybe once or twice a week outside of my neighbor and my mom. None of my long term friends ever call me, they rarely text and many only go so far as using facebook to foster/maintain any kind of relationship. I feel like all of that is extremely disingenuous anymore and I just don't have time for it.

This is why I want to just throw my phone. The only sort of social media app i have left on my phone is instagram. Anything else I just check in occasionally from my laptop. You guys honestly get the majority of my online attention anymore....and I'm not even around here much.


Wild @I Wild Each It was that a FRAT? Lol
Pretty on the outside. Mountain man on the inside. Nice.


Nothing. She's come to expect it at this point and she knows I'm doing her a favor by not letting these shitheads think they're going to do whatever they want.
Why didn't she introduce them, seeing as they were her guests?


Why didn't she introduce them, seeing as they were her guests?
Furthermore, I would have gotten my ass kicked for letting people my old man didn't know in the house, period. Introduction or not.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
That was a whole different ball game

If u wanted to talk to a chick you had to call the house phone.

Kids have it easy now days when they can just text
Lol. Yep.
And think about all the phone numbers you had committed to memory before the celly. Probably 50 or so.

Now..I have no digits mentally stored because I can just say "call Patrick cote" and that shit starts ringing.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've never hooked up with a girl online, probably never will. I go to temple festivals and dance, that gets me all the hot tang.