Twelve hours before the fight and twelve hours after deems it an in competition test I think.Why is this an "out of competition test"? They were both in camp, surely "competition" isn't only fight night...
Twelve hours before the fight and twelve hours after deems it an in competition test I think.Why is this an "out of competition test"? They were both in camp, surely "competition" isn't only fight night...
Two weeks after a cycle is when you begin pct, and from then on you need to take it daily. Cycle length would dictate how long you take it but minimum is about 30 days. Test is typically something you need to take for 6 weeks to see a difference, and 10-12 weeks to really make a difference, but I suppose they could be dosing with test suspension due to no ester, where the benefits is felt within about an hour and leaves your system within several hours (don't know window for usada tests though). Some people cycle and use test suspension as a boost pre workout. I suppose an athlete wanting to avoid detection could do this as well.So the question is were they taking a newer ester that was not detectable on earlier tests (Jones in particular since he has a longer testing history), or did the long half life of clomid trip them up?
I'm honestly not sure of the difference other than you cant get popped for recreational drugs in an out of competition but can for in competition.@Papi Chingon ,
@DoTheKick thanks bros
It's still bizarre to me that its only that short a window that's considered in competition,, but hey the rules are the rules I guess
I don't think suspensions differ whether they have a fight coming up or not, if you are taking a banned substance. There are no-no's for in competition, like recreational drugs, that oherwise are overlooked "out of competition", but peds and the associates of peds (pct drugs) are punished irrelevant of a fight being scheduled or not.@Papi Chingon ,
@DoTheKick thanks bros
It's still bizarre to me that its only that short a window that's considered in competition,, but hey the rules are the rules I guess
Recreational drugs arent considered out of competition.Why is this an "out of competition test"? They were both in camp, surely "competition" isn't only fight night...
For this stuff they popped for yes you are correct.I don't think suspensions differ whether they have a fight coming up or not, if you are taking a banned substance. There are no-no's for in competition, like recreational drugs, that oherwise are overlooked "out of competition", but peds and the associates of peds (pct drugs) are punished irrelevant of a fight being scheduled or not.
Give Mark Hunt the money, so he can start the unionFunny how Brock was shitting on Jones for testing positive. And now he's in this situation. I hope there are some financial penalties for Brock.
Those massive pecs are the result of huge lungs - hence the need for massive amounts of 'asthma inhaler' medicine...quite the coincidence that jones and brock are both asthmatic
No the other way around, they'd be bigger otherwise!So THAT'S why my boobs are big, my asthma medication.
Thanks for clearing that up.
So THAT'S why my boobs are big, my asthma medication.
Thanks for clearing that up.
So THAT'S why my boobs are big, my asthma medication.
Thanks for clearing that up.