Goddammit. So I got a text from my brother saying he has gone to get a Xmas card for the mother. He was wondering if I wanted him to put me on there too.
I said words to the effect of I don't give a fuck it's a scam. And that was that.
So after I showered I noticed a card on the kitchen counter, open it and it's from my mum to me. Ffs. So I go out and get a card, text my brother not to worry and I'll get her one too.
Write the card out, and get a text back from brother saying he got her one that says "from the both of us" like we are some sort of homo couple.
Fucking Christmas cards. What a crock of shit. Mr Hallmark is lucky I don't have the hacking skills of some members here or I would commandeer a predator and blow his house up with hellfire