Just heading to McDonald's, and stopped by the pub for a quick pint. Some old dude at the bar ask me where I'm from yada yada, then asks where abouts in Belgium I'm staying, I can see my apt from the window so point. There's a hotel next door with a prominent logo and I'm like the building next door. He said oh you have to enter through the garage? And I'm like nah theres no garage.
He insists there is and him and the landlady get in some big Flemish fight about whether or not there's a garage. I'm just sat there with a big grin on my face because this shits hilarious. In the end he tells her to fuck off, puts on his jacket and heads over to the building. He disappeared inside somewhere, then came back out and went thru the lobby door of my building. Then heads back.
It turns out I live in building 17 and next door is 17a and some garage I never notice.
When he gets back he concedes defeat, and the land lady fucks off, then he explained to me about the garage in the middle. He tells me a 35 year old Bulgarian whore lives there. And she has massive tits. And for 50 bucks shell do anything.
He said she is crazy. He said the first time he banged her was at his house not hers, and she was all sad because she diddnt have no smokes, only nubs she found on the street, so he said let's go to the nightshop, get some smokes and some wine, because he felt really sorry for her. He's only got a 100 note and she was to give him 50 back, and basically she outsmarted him at the store and fucked off with his money.
Another time he said she stole his phone.
Then he tells me about another one he's got, another 35 year old from Cameroon. He says look I'll find pictures, and while he's looking he mentioned he really likes big ladies, over 100kg he says, and now I'm thinking AHH fuck, but the pictures weren't depraved disgusting nudes or anything just her sat in the bar I was in.
Anyhow I had to skip out so I could go to McDonald's.
But what an interesting first hour of the weekend I had.
Oh and of course, picture