Ronda tried to rush the fight, like she was fighting a 30 second timer.
Before she tried any real takedown, she tried to CHASE Holly and got tagged badly. She didn't have to do that, at all. She was already badly hurt at that point. After that, she still took Holm down and got her back for a second. The rest of the fight, she chased and chased and chased on the feet, leaving her to every counter in the book. Holly has good TDD, so of course she defended a few. But it just takes one TD from Ronda, just like it did for Miesha.
Ronda can clinch and take holly down, but this time setting up the clinch properly, without chasing and coming forward wildly. She can let Holly come forward too. She needs to patient on the feet and i think she can do it. She has the ability to take down Holm from the clinch if she isn't getting tagged a million times in the face in the process by rushing like she only has 30 seconds to end the fight.
Schevchenko also tripped holly, ronda can do the same.