White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during a Monday press briefing said President Trump won by an "overwhelming majority" of 63 million votes — despite the fact that his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, won 65.8 million votes and he lost the popular vote.
The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said President Donald’s Trump’s “contentious conversations” with female reporters, several of whom he has described with words like “stupid” or “loser,” happen because he treats women equally.
At Politico’s Women Rule Summit on Tuesday, the reporter Eliana Johnson asked Sanders whether the president’s sometimes demeaning language toward women was OK.
“As a professional woman, do you think that’s appropriate?” Johnson said.
Sanders responded that Trump “has had an equal number of contentious conversations with your male colleagues.”
“Women wanted to be treated equally, and we have a president that certainly does that,” Sanders said. “He is not going to hold back, and the people in this country elected him in large part because he’s a fighter.”
“I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times, and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president,” Sanders said during an interview with Christian Broadcast Network News. “And that’s why he’s there, and I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.”
Jim Acosta is a grandstanding asshole.Huckabee Sanders Should Resign, Critics Say, After 'Orwellian' Distribution of Doctored Video
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