From another article I think, I haven't gone through this one entirely. But it was posted elsewhere I thought it was part of this article but I think it was from a while ago.
I told my guys we should wait another year, but they saw what was on the table right now and it was attractive to them.
I never imagined that the UFC would leave SPIKE. If I'd known that I would have told them to wait and we could have had Viacom as a partner and we would have been on both Showtime and SPIKE.
But it's not true we had to sell. That we had to be saved. That's just not true. We were the only company besides the UFC that was doing arena shows that could do million dollar gates. We had a multimillion dollar deal with Showtime. We were bringing in seven figures a year from sponsorships and over seven figures a year from our international deals. We had a Rockstar deal. Full Tilt Poker. We had Shine International handling the foreign markets. We were a company that was making money on all of our events except for the Fedor fights.
The only reason we got sold is because Zuffa came in and offered to write a big check.