I skimmed through that article, and one bit stood out to me:real journalism.
The Histrionics and Melodrama Around 1/6 Are Laughable, but They Serve Several Key Purposes
As Kamala Harris compares 1/6 to 9/11 and Nancy Pelosi introduces the cast of Hamilton to sing about democracy, today's inanity should not obscure its dangers.greenwald.substack.com
The Huffington Post's White House reporter S.V. Date said that it was wrong to compare 1/6 to 9/11, because the former — the three-hour riot at the Capitol — was “1,000 percent worse.”
"From what intelligence has gathered, it would be 9/11 times ten."

"9/11 times ten? Jesus, that's-"
"Yes - nine thousnad, one hundred and ten!"