Shout Out To GALANIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Hope your doing well and you can get back on here soon.

I know you've been having some back issues and life is probably not fun for you right now, but just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you(no homo) and we miss you around these parts.

Stay strong brother!


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Absolutely and a nice gesture, Seekn. Come back soon Galanis!


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Get well soon bub...has anybody beats from him lately? this isn't like him dude loved fighting more than anything


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
Wonder if he made it to the Bellator meet and greet? He was excited as hell for that. Hope he gets well and comes back soon. I enjoy his posts.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
teamquestnorth;n30118 said:
Wonder if he made it to the Bellator meet and greet? He was excited as hell for that. Hope he gets well and comes back soon. I enjoy his posts.

Man I hope so. I know it meant a ton for him to get there...would be awesome if he made it and got to meet Fedor.


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I Wild Each It;n30121 said:
Man I hope so. I know it meant a ton for him to get there...would be awesome if he made it and got to meet Fedor.


The Wallabee Champ
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Hey guys

I'm sorry I have not been online lately. I don't wanna be that guy and just bring a bunch of dumb, depressing shit onto this board. I love this forum and the community here, IMO, is by far the best out there when it comes to MMA fans. It's been awesome to see how this place has grown in just a couple months.. This thread really, really lifted my spirits, so thank you guys so much.

I was not online lately at all because I am poor as fuck and my cable/net/phone bill is ridiculous. Thankfully I got it turned back on Friday.. Anyway... Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Fedor/do the meet and greet. The last 2 weeks have been really rough for a variety of reasons. In the last year I've missed every concert, every fight, every single thing I've wanted to see because of this injury. I told myself meeting Fedor would be the ONE thing I HAD to do.. but, sometimes you can't control everything in life, I guess.

I will post a much happier/nicer reply and update you guys with my situation both here and on the thread about my back. I'm just, to be honest, a little embarrassed about it all. I don't want people to see me as pathetic or something. I really do not want to be known as a whiner... sometimes though, life is infuriating, especially when you can't do anything you want to do.. ever.

Things are slightly looking up though. I got my 2nd shot a few days back and that one helped the most by far. I'm really, really hoping that by the end of the summer this can all be over with. I will work harder than I ever have before, so that 6 months from now, I can live a semi normal life at least. It's just so much work/recovery with the physical therapy, all that kinda shit. That's why I'm getting the shots, to stop the pain so I can actually do the therapy and build my back muscles/core/my body in general back up to being a normal, functioning person.

In the last year I've lost all my friends, my job, and even my band. I can't keep living like this, and I am more dedicated than ever to getting better. I just hope these shots can work and get me to the point I can get thru the PT. I swear, the day I feel normal again, I am gonna conquer the world, lol. SO many things I have missed out on, and man, I just cna't wait to be back in action and living life again. Thinking of that goal, every single day, is more motivating than anything else.

For a while I had no hope at all.. But the shots they've given me (2 so far) have REALLY given me relief. Nowhere near a complete cure (they have to do a few more before I even start light PT).. but just to feel ANY relief/ANY semblance or normalcy is amazing. I legit forgot what it's like to wake up in the morning and be able to get out of bed without having to go lay on my floor and try to stretch my back out so I can walk from my room to the bathroom to take a piss.

The fact I can at least get there without having to writhe around on the ground, IMO, is a huge improvement. Now I can only imagine when I get the other shots, AND I'm like 2 months into the PT... I know things are gonna get better. Well, I hope they are, cuz I can't live like this anymore. I'm 25 and I swear if I spend my 26th year alive ni the same situation or worse, I am gonna rip my spine out of my back and kick its ass :)

Sorry for the long post guys. Just... shit is hard sometimes. I want to live a normal life like other regular people in their 20s.


Really sorry for the rant. Just wanted to shed some light on things I guess... I have no one to talk to anymore anyway, as far as friends and shit.. So I guess here is the best place to post it. Thank you guys for caring.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Been chatting with Galanis. Such a good dude. Glad he is back around.


keep the spirit alive, you are already moving forward, keep thinking positive.:notworthy:


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Hey man I am truly sorry to read that. I hope you can overcome your injuries and can relate to the frustration you get from being injured. Mine was nowhere near the shit you must be feeling and I wish you well. And you are wrong brotha when you say you lost your friends there is a whole clutch of people here ready to help you any way they can. Never feel Alone.

Get well soon!


Professional Fighter
Pro Fighter
Jan 24, 2015
Galanis, you got my digits homie. You've never reached out to me, as far as I noticed, I could have missed it. However, you can shoot me a text sometimes bro... You've said you "don't want to be a bother." Bro! You are one of the coolest guys that post with some of the BEST content and contributions. You wouldn't be bothering me homie. Hit me up from time to time. If I had your number I would have just shot you a text right now. Keep your head up homie. Stay on the grind. I bet that Fedor meeting still happens bro!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
JustinTheVikingWren(FFTF);n32971 said:
Galanis, you got my digits homie. You've never reached out to me, as far as I noticed, I could have missed it. However, you can shoot me a text sometimes bro... You've said you "don't want to be a bother." Bro! You are one of the coolest guys that post with some of the BEST content and contributions. You wouldn't be bothering me homie. Hit me up from time to time. If I had your number I would have just shot you a text right now. Keep your head up homie. Stay on the grind. I bet that Fedor meeting still happens bro!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And this right here is why MMA and the fighters that participate in it, are awesome.


The Wallabee Champ
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
FRAT warning:

Justin: I don't even know what to say but thank you so much for your kindness. I actually don't have a cell phone right now, money is super tight. I only have a regular landline. I figured you have to be one of the busiest dudes alive with all the meetings and everything you must have going on.. and didn't wanna just call you out of the blue, you know? I had your # for the interview but I didn't wana ever bug you on some personal shit. I'm gonna PM you on here in the morning with my info. To know you would have hit me up after reading this, that is seriously kind man. You have always been one of the classiest dudes out there.. just wanted to say thank you.

I was hoping to get a prepaid phone soon but it's taken a bit longer than I thought. I gotta say though guys, this thread has me a little overwhelmed. I've been posting on different forums since I was 13 and I'm 25 now. Never have I spoken about personal shit like this really, and to be honest I was kind of embarrassed that I did.

But coming back into this thread and reading everything you guys have had to say has really, legit hit home in a good way. In fact, in a way that I don't think would be possible if I did not post that and did not read this thread. I don't really have anyone to talk to right now, and the kindness of people who only know me from this forum has absolutely blown me away.

But yeah... thanks to all you guys. I really mean that too. This site is really the MMA Community. Like I said, it's been a tough few weeks and everything is a little overwhelming so I apologize if I'm being weird or something. But wow, just reading the support and cool attitude from you guys changed my entire day around.

Right now I'm in the waiting game. I guess that's why I let my emotions get the best of me and posted about this shit.. because sometimes it's tough just sitting here every fucking day by myself, man. I have maybe 2 more, possibly 3 more rounds of injections (thankfully it's once a week), before I can finally go back and start physical therapy again. Once I start, if everything goes well - which it seems like it will, the shots DO relieve the pain which is amazing) - it should take me around 3 months to be feeling and living normally again.

Then I can start slowly but surely building back up and if all goes well, start training again. I swear to god, the idea of stepping onto a mat for the first time after recovering 100% is a dream to me, and if I can accomplish that goal, I will be thankful, humble and happy until the day I die.

It took a long time to even get these appointments set up so truly I'm grateful it's all finally happening and underway. Sometimes it looks hopeless but then I read posts like this and realize I am actually in the process of moving in the right direction. When I get really down, I just think about how I want my life back. I want to play guitar, to train, to go running, to workout, without being in pain. Or to just go to the movies, eat at a restaurant with friends, see a band play.. Shit I used to take for granted, that I never thought would be impossible to do. At this point, it has gotten to where I can't walk to the fucking store 5 minutes down the street without so much pain that ruins my entire night, nevermind actually play in my band or play a concert, or even a 30 minute practice. It's gotten a lot worse because I have been sitting prone for so long as time goes on.. It's been almost 8 months of having to sit at home every single day.

BUT, there are millions of people who have it 10000x worse than I do and I feel like a selfish, spoiled fuck for complaining. I just needed to talk about it a little, I guess. In the last year I lost my granddad, my job, my savings, my girl, my friends, and my band. All because of this damn injury and disease (well not my granddad, but yea). Even so, I really think about how lucky I am to live where I do, have a roof over my head, etc... and it makes me feel guilty as fuck for whining about this shit. For like 3 years I just ignored the pain every day and lived life normally, but yea. I can't believe how fucking lame this all must sound to people.. but please know, it's not in my control and I'm trying really hard to fix it. I've never complained on a forum before or wanted attention or sympathy. Just reading people say good things on here really hit home like I said before, and yeah.

Sorry guys. I don't even expect anyone to read this. I'm almost writing it for my own self, I don't know. I just can't wait until this hurries up and I finally get into the PT and start living again. My own "friends" don't even give a shit about me as much as you guys do, which is part of the reason this thread really hit home.

Thanks for helping the fire under my ass stay lit


The Wallabee Champ
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
God damn, sorry about the huge post guys. I'm gonna go to bed now before I start writing another novel


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Galanis;n33038 said:
But yeah... thanks to all you guys. I really mean that too. This site is really the MMA Community. Like I said, it's been a tough few weeks and everything is a little overwhelming so I apologize if I'm being weird or something. But wow, just reading the support and cool attitude from you guys changed my entire day around.

Right now I'm in the waiting game. I guess that's why I let my emotions get the best of me and posted about this shit.. because sometimes it's tough just sitting here every fucking day by myself, man. I have maybe 2 more, possibly 3 more rounds of injections (thankfully it's once a week), before I can finally go back and start physical therapy again. Once I start, if everything goes well - which it seems like it will, the shots DO relieve the pain which is amazing) - it should take me around 3 months to be feeling and living normally again.

Then I can start slowly but surely building back up and if all goes well, start training again. I swear to god, the idea of stepping onto a mat for the first time after recovering 100% is a dream to me, and if I can accomplish that goal, I will be thankful, humble and happy until the day I die.

It took a long time to even get these appointments set up so truly I'm grateful it's all finally happening and underway. Sometimes it looks hopeless but then I read posts like this and realize I am actually in the process of moving in the right direction. When I get really down, I just think about how I want my life back. I want to play guitar, to train, to go running, to workout, without being in pain. Or to just go to the movies, eat at a restaurant with friends, see a band play.. Shit I used to take for granted, that I never thought would be impossible to do. At this point, it has gotten to where I can't walk to the fucking store 5 minutes down the street without so much pain that ruins my entire night, nevermind actually play in my band or play a concert, or even a 30 minute practice. It's gotten a lot worse because I have been sitting prone for so long as time goes on.. It's been almost 8 months of having to sit at home every single day.

BUT, there are millions of people who have it 10000x worse than I do and I feel like a selfish, spoiled fuck for complaining. I just needed to talk about it a little, I guess. In the last year I lost my granddad, my job, my savings, my girl, my friends, and my band. But, even so, I really think about how lucky I am to live where I do, have a roof over my head, etc... and it makes me feel guilty as fuck for whining about this shit. For like 3 years I just ignored the pain every day and lived life normally, but yea. I can't believe how fucking lame this all must sound to people.. but please know, it's not in my control and I'm trying really hard to fix it. I've never complained on a forum before or wanted attention or sympathy. Just reading people say good things on here really hit home like I said before, and yeah.

Sorry guys. I don't even expect anyone to read this. I'm almost writing it for my own self, I don't know. I just can't wait until this hurries up and I finally get into the PT and start living again. My own "friends" don't even give a shit about me as much as you guys do, which is part of the reason this thread really hit home.

Thanks for helping the fire under my ass stay lit
Really glad to see you posting G. It sounds like things are looking up. Wish I was closer to you bud, I'd be there to hang out, give you a hand or whatever. If you ever feel like you are alone in this fight, just remember you have brothers here who have your back. I don't have computer access right now(and limited with the phone I have), but I'm going to shoot you a pm in the next day or so.

I've battled a similar situation, although different issues, for about the last 5 years. To the point where I lost everything including a roof over my head. It sucks I know. I was at a place where the only thing that stopped me from ending my misery was my son being fatherless. I grew up with little to no contact with mine and just couldn't be so selfish to fuck his childhood and world up like that. I have finally got to a point where I can see the sun poking through the clouds, and it's worth the fight bro! It's like driving through a dark tunnel and everyone tells you to keep driving but you see no end or light in sight.

You got to keep pushing even though your head's telling you to stop because you have no evidence of hope. You have to keep fighting, you are the only one who will, and can fight for your best interests. You have to fight to make the calls to the doctor, you have to fight to get out of bed, you have to fight to get some fresh air and sunshine, you have to fight to eat healthier, you have to fight more than is comfortable. It's sometimes pure agony, but the harder you fight the easier things will gradually get better in all aspects of life. You may have way more bad days than good now, but it will change, and slowly some of those bad days get replaced with a few good ones. Then you fight some more and you fight some more and then the good days will eventually outweigh the bad.

It's a journey and test to see what you have inside. If you fight as hard as you can, when all is said and done, you will come out of this knowing that you are as tough or tougher than any of your mma heroes. You'll come through this with the confidence knowing, that just like Shogun or Fedor or Nog, that you to can fight, and fight, and fight, and that you never gave up, even when you have every card in the deck stacked against you. The only difference will be is that your belt or trophy won't be pot metal, but your championship will be inner happiness and supreme confidence knowing that "You" are a battle tested warrior and straight up G.

Not every warrior's battle is the same. And often times you don't choose the battle, the battle chooses you. But what all warriors have in common is that they fight these battles til their last breath. That is what makes one a warrior. Every human being is capable of being a warrior, many just make the choice not to fight.

Good vibes sent your way brother. Talk to you soon I hope.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Keep your head up G... i feel ya..i am looking for a new job and money is super of us need to hit the lottery lol..if i did I would send a life changer your way and we have never even met..but I have a great judgment in character and you have the type of moral fiber that this world needs..


Jan 14, 2015
I love you Galanis.

We don't have to meet physically to be great friends. Although one day it'd be nice to shake your hand in person. I read everything you posted, and it wasn't forceful pity reading. You have a way with words man. The way you describe your emotions, what you go through, what you feel and how you perceive things, you have a real talent in that aspect.

Anyways, the only pity feeling I got when reading your post, is pity for myself. Pity in that I see the positivity you brought to the UG while going through all that drama, instead of being an asshole always getting into flame wars, you stayed level headed, excited about mma, etc...

To know what you were going through during this, it makes me look deep into myself, and I can't say I would've been able to cope with this as well as you have. I think it's totally normal to want to vent, want to be down on yourself, have a fuck the world attitude. You have had that, but then you turn it around and find motivation. That shit is motivating in itself, so even though you feel like you're missing out, you are providing motivation and hope for people like me. Something you probably do'nt think about.

You may think you are weak, but my perspective, is you are incredibly strong. Strong willed, strong minded. It's normal to have doubts and have frustration. To have your perception, goals, motivation, that's not normal. Be proud of that man.

Also, i suck at music so I have never been good enough to be part of a band and be kicked out of one. You're guitar playing still>my guitar playing.