General Snow White Has a Hairier Back Than I Do

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I used to know a guy who was a gardener (he passed some years back).

He was telling me about when he was weeding a flowerbed for an elderly lady. She came out to the garden in a summer dress and started pottering about, and at one point she bent over to pick something up. A gust of wind blew her dress right up, and unfortunately her underwear had pulled to one side.

He described the sight to me as "a pound and a half of hairy liver."
My mentor paramedic called old lady puss "rat salad"

That stuck, lol

*in my internship I was doing some time in the Denver General ER. Famous for being the 'Knife and Gun Club'.
Complete madhouse, exactly where a baby medic needed to be.

Ambulance brought in an old homeless lady, unresponsive. Total package, you know exactly what I'm saying here..

She needed a Foley catheter (tube in her pee hole). I had never done that but you didn't say no to chances to do shit.

I couldn't find the hole, it was a disgusting mess down there, as I assume most old homeless lady parts be like.

I finally sorted through the gross and started putting it in.

She moaned and shit herself.
It just started slipping out, all thick yet runny. It covered her puss as it bubbled up, then covered my (gloved) hand.
I froze, as one does in that situation, lol.
Nurse slapped me in the back of the head and loudly said "what did you do?!?"

Then he laughed and threw a jugs of saline on the "space" and told me good job for not pulling out, now finish.

This shit will haunt me forever....

Rat Salad, 100% confirmed.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
My mentor paramedic called old lady puss "rat salad"

That stuck, lol

*in my internship I was doing some time in the Denver General ER. Famous for being the 'Knife and Gun Club'.
Complete madhouse, exactly where a baby medic needed to be.

Ambulance brought in an old homeless lady, unresponsive. Total package, you know exactly what I'm saying here..

She needed a Foley catheter (tube in her pee hole). I had never done that but you didn't say no to chances to do shit.

I couldn't find the hole, it was a disgusting mess down there, as I assume most old homeless lady parts be like.

I finally sorted through the gross and started putting it in.

She moaned and shit herself.
It just started slipping out, all thick yet runny. It covered her puss as it bubbled up, then covered my (gloved) hand.
I froze, as one does in that situation, lol.
Nurse slapped me in the back of the head and loudly said "what did you do?!?"

Then he laughed and threw a jugs of saline on the "space" and told me good job for not pulling out, now finish.

This shit will haunt me forever....

Rat Salad, 100% confirmed.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
My mentor paramedic called old lady puss "rat salad"

That stuck, lol

*in my internship I was doing some time in the Denver General ER. Famous for being the 'Knife and Gun Club'.
Complete madhouse, exactly where a baby medic needed to be.

Ambulance brought in an old homeless lady, unresponsive. Total package, you know exactly what I'm saying here..

She needed a Foley catheter (tube in her pee hole). I had never done that but you didn't say no to chances to do shit.

I couldn't find the hole, it was a disgusting mess down there, as I assume most old homeless lady parts be like.

I finally sorted through the gross and started putting it in.

She moaned and shit herself.
It just started slipping out, all thick yet runny. It covered her puss as it bubbled up, then covered my (gloved) hand.
I froze, as one does in that situation, lol.
Nurse slapped me in the back of the head and loudly said "what did you do?!?"

Then he laughed and threw a jugs of saline on the "space" and told me good job for not pulling out, now finish.

This shit will haunt me forever....

Rat Salad, 100% confirmed.
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