General Stop saying "marijuana" - it's racist as F-CK

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
when the canadian govt used to run the marijuana program here it was racist as fuck and it used to piss me off to have to mail off my order to

health canada
marihuana medical access program
ottawa ontario

throw that H in the word marijuana and it automatically makes it seem like you are buying mexican ditch weed.who the fuck spells it like that?


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And liberals wonder why they're losing...

Yeah, I get this from white pot heads all the time around here. I always tell them I'd probably give up smoking if I had to call it cannabis.

And you should see the 420 festival 'protest' they put on here. 300 vendor booths in a sea of 80,000 white people. And this in a city that is about 40% Asian mind you. These turkeys are about the least inclusive culture I have ever seen. And yes, I always make sure I mention that to them too ;) Racist eh. Yeah, fuck off haha.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
No kidding, these white pot activists around here are always playing the race card and their rallies and festivals are whiter than klan rallies. And I of course cannot help but point this out to them. Uncomfortable.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
No...she has hit me twice in 17+ years or so(however long it is, feels like forever hence the 20 years##), but I was baiting her though.

I threw a grapefruit at her full speed and that is the only time I got blew up and we started laughing...I smash objects when angry...I train striking so hitting another human does too much damage.

I don't know much about robbie though
Hubby used to throw things when he got real mad. (Like when I'd talk back) It always seemed to be the portable phone. One day he was bitching and I had had enough. I took the phone and handed it to him. He asked, "what's this for?" I said, "thought I'd save you some trouble because I have something to say and you probably aren't going to like it."

He never threw the phone again. Lol