So Dawggs friends as I sit beside his hospital bed writing this update I can say with all honesty that I am worn out So I am not going to put all the specific information but as they surgeon had issues he was not expecting Dawggs now in a induced coma for the next while . Please pray for him to return to me the same as he was when he went into surgery .I wish I would of listened and let him not get this done .Drs seem to care more about cutting then letting someone cope .Well if this does work his word retention should be improved . That was what we have been told . that was before the stroke yesterday. The main problem with the pea pod will never be fixed. I am told if he wakes from the coma this is the end of surgeries as there is nothing more that can be done . Please pray and understand when he is better he will be back with his hard to understand typing and short miss guided anger . Thanks for being here for my husband.