not sure my opinion counts.. i think she's fit and wish my body looked like hers...but she's not hot and does have a handsome look about her.C'mon, I can't srsly be the only hetroman in the world that thinks Herrig is... Um... Not hot? Handsome?
C'mon, I can't srsly be the only hetroman in the world that thinks Herrig is... Um... Not hot? Handsome?
It's her face that brings her hotness down. Her body is amazing and she knows how to flaunt it..C'mon, I can't srsly be the only hetroman in the world that thinks Herrig is... Um... Not hot? Handsome?
PVZ should prolly get an outfit that fits her up top, she's hot but way overrated compared to the Ginas, Meishas & the Watersons, no contest at all. I know thats going to bother some but lookup pics of all 4 and it speaks for itself.That PVZ one...
Meisha is overrated.PVZ should prolly get an outfit that fits her up top, she's hot but way overrated compared to the Ginas, Meishas & the Watersons, no contest at all. I know thats going to bother some but lookup pics of all 4 and it speaks for itself.
you said coming, ha giggity.Chun li wins
Wonderwoman takes second.
Coming in 3rd is the Kickass girl.