General The democrats just surrendered

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Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
Would someone please explain how an enhanced vetting process would have stopped this shooting?
Well the FBI interviewed him last year's for making threats to shoot up his school. The school got a call that morning of a mass shooting happening that day. Dad bought this kid a gun. Yeah no red flags here that maybe this kid should be watched!


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Free Will….

the idea that God has given humans the power to make their own ethical decisions, such as whether to do good or evil, right or wrong, or to pursue virtue or wickedness.
Sometimes killing is good, sometimes killing is bad.
Sometimes people just die...

Your entire argument is untenable.
Was God's plan for those kids to die in the latest school shooting? Was his plan to leave the shooter alive so he could see the light and join the babies he killed in heaven?

You are backed into a corner here.

"I don't know what gods plan is" isn't an answer, it's a cop out, especially when put next to everything else you've said.

IMO free will isn't about good or evil, beyond recognition of their existence, it's about stepping up and being a tool for something greater than yourself as opposed to only thinking about yourself and your desires.

You are pretending that certain things aren't real.

Pretty sure Jesus would have something to say about that too.


Mar 3, 2015
Typical leftie anti gun faggot! Never mention the SSRI these kids are pumped full of or the mental health crisis as this is another brainwashed tranny kid! Fuck any piece of shit wanting to take my constitutional right to bear arms!
Let me guess, you’re against abortion. You’re against pedos, but when guns get involved and children are dying let’s ignore what’s killing the kids lol.

you don’t need an AR in your house. If you do then maybe you should seek therapy and see what’s the problem mentally.

There needs to be proper vetting for people to buy guns, if cops carry hand guns then you don’t need military weapons in your home.

there should be no reason a six year old kid was able to gain access to a gun in his home, take it to school and shoot his teacher last year.

I don’t trust any citizen with a gun, especially if they have a history of substance abuse or mental illness


Mar 3, 2015
Sometimes killing is good, sometimes killing is bad.
Sometimes people just die...

Your entire argument is untenable.
Was God's plan for those kids to die in the latest school shooting? Was his plan to leave the shooter alive so he could see the light and join the babies he killed in heaven?

You are backed into a corner here.

"I don't know what gods plan is" isn't an answer, it's a cop out, especially when put next to everything else you've said.

IMO free will isn't about good or evil, beyond recognition of their existence, it's about stepping up and being a tool for something greater than yourself as opposed to only thinking about yourself and your desires.

You are pretending that certain things aren't real.

Pretty sure Jesus would have something to say about that too.
that’s just your flesh fighting your faith. This is a good read on why you question death.



Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
if cops carry hand guns then you don’t need military weapons in your home.
It's LITERALLY the reason we should have them

Being able to put holes in a criminal us a secondary benefit of 2A.

It exists to keep the state, and agents of said state, in an inferior position to the people.
The entire point is that we will not be overrun by the bastards

You, sir, are on team bastard. You would sacrifice freedom for safety.

You will have an interesting time squaring this up. I guarantee it.

Nobody is attacking your faith, we are attacking your misunderstanding of it.

Never get that confused.


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
Let me guess, you’re against abortion. You’re against pedos, but when guns get involved and children are dying let’s ignore what’s killing the kids lol.

you don’t need an AR in your house. If you do then maybe you should seek therapy and see what’s the problem mentally.

There needs to be proper vetting for people to buy guns, if cops carry hand guns then you don’t need military weapons in your home.

there should be no reason a six year old kid was able to gain access to a gun in his home, take it to school and shoot his teacher last year.

I don’t trust any citizen with a gun, especially if they have a history of substance abuse or mental illness
You are a fucking clown the police are not there to protect you. Guns a few years ago my wife was home alone in the shower when someone broke into our house. My wife saw his at the end of the hallway and he started walking towards her. She was able to grab her gun and they ran for their life out the back door over the wall.

Without my wife being able to equalize the situation who knows what could of happened.

So fuck you and your retarded anti gun bullshit! We have the right to keep and bear arms and you can fuck off! Fucking commie leftist trash!


Mar 3, 2015
You are a fucking clown the police are not there to protect you. Guns a few years ago my wife was home alone in the shower when someone broke into our house. My wife saw his at the end of the hallway and he started walking towards her. She was able to grab her gun and they ran for their life out the back door over the wall.

Without my wife being able to equalize the situation who knows what could of happened.

So fuck you and your retarded anti gun bullshit! We have the right to keep and bear arms and you can fuck off! Fucking commie leftist trash!
get a handgun. You’ll be fine. I had someone walk into my bedroom during the morning. Kid broke in and didn’t realize I was there. He saw what he was about to deal with and bolted out the house.


Mar 3, 2015
that is who is getting abortions right? why would anybody oppose?
everyone is getting abortions lol. Alabama tried to pass a law to imprison woman if they were to get an abortion. Didn’t matter if they were rapped lol. Sick shit.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
that’s just your flesh fighting your faith
I was given free will.
I didn't have to be one of the guys that stood between people and their problems, but I was called to do so.
I don't claim that was God, maybe I just like trouble, but I can't find any other reason to spend my entire adult life in service to others for short money.

My flesh fights my faith everyday, so climb down off the cross and donate the wood to charity.

You are a coward and a fool.
Someone you love will likely pay for it, and it'll be on you to square it up with your broken understanding of faith.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
get a handgun. You’ll be fine. I had someone walk into my bedroom during the morning. Kid broke in and didn’t realize I was there. He saw what he was about to deal with and bolted out the house.
handguns kill way more people than AR15


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
get a handgun. You’ll be fine. I had someone walk into my bedroom during the morning. Kid broke in and didn’t realize I was there. He saw what he was about to deal with and bolted out the house.
Guess what I'm not Christian so I don't live with those restraints. You wish harm to my family I wish harm to yours tenfold. You take away our constitutional rights I hope you deal with the repercussions ten fold! Weak pathetic faggots like you want daddy government to take care of you remember after they kill us off your the next in line! There is no utopia people will kill each other how much about dealing with the drugs faggots like you dope your kids on. That's the real problem in this world!


Mar 3, 2015
Guess what I'm not Christian so I don't live with those restraints. You wish harm to my family I wish harm to yours tenfold. You take away our constitutional rights I hope you deal with the repercussions ten fold! Weak pathetic faggots like you want daddy government to take care of you remember after they kill us off your the next in line! There is no utopia people will kill each other how much about dealing with the drugs faggots like you dope your kids on. That's the real problem in this world!
you smoke too much weed and do too many shrooms lol. Every person I know that is paranoid like that does lol


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
yea I’m not. 90’s of the UG were guys that had all the same views. So when someone doesn’t agree with your views you guys lose your minds lol
No, we step in and correct idiots.
We've helped thousands of guys with our "same views" and saved hundreds of lives.

Man lessons aren't free, they're earned dipshit.


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
you smoke too much weed and do too many shrooms lol. Every person I know that is paranoid like that does lol
Nope never done any drugs reality isn't paranoia but you are trolling anyway as you ignore the root causes and how it's strangle how all these mentally ill trannies are doing this and it's crazy the FBI always has advance notice. But it's the guns. Fuck off with that!