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member 3289

Ok I'll side with you Trumpers just this once:

The media coverage of the whole "get the baby out of here" thing was a little overblown. They made it sound like Trump did a complete 180 and aggressively kicked out a mother and baby.

But I watched the video and that's not what happened. Trump was cordial about it at first and trying to bring some humor to the situation, hoping the mother would just get the baby to shut the fuck up. When she couldn't, he asked her to leave because the baby was disrupting the speech he was giving.

So yeah bullshit slanted media coverage. But I'm still voting for Hillary

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Ok I'll side with you Trumpers just this once:

The media coverage of the whole "get the baby out of here" thing was a little overblown. They made it sound like Trump did a complete 180 and aggressively kicked out a mother and baby.

But I watched the video and that's not what happened. Trump was cordial about it at first and trying to bring some humor to the situation, hoping the mother would just get the baby to shut the fuck up. When she couldn't, he asked her to leave because the baby was disrupting the speech he was giving.

So yeah bullshit slanted media coverage. But I'm still voting for Hillary

the whole msm is anti trump. they love to spin shit.

and as sure as night follows day you'll be voting Trump come November swamp boy.

Deleted member 1

Ok I'll side with you Trumpers just this once:

The media coverage of the whole "get the baby out of here" thing was a little overblown. They made it sound like Trump did a complete 180 and aggressively kicked out a mother and baby.

But I watched the video and that's not what happened. Trump was cordial about it at first and trying to bring some humor to the situation, hoping the mother would just get the baby to shut the fuck up. When she couldn't, he asked her to leave because the baby was disrupting the speech he was giving.

So yeah bullshit slanted media coverage. But I'm still voting for Hillary
That little bit of of truth you just felt? Yeah, that's MAGA coursing through your veins. You can't stop it now. The more you fight, the greater it gets.

Welcome to the team. We appreciate you tipping Florida into our favor


Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
i love the end of his speeches. the chat box goes crazy. "Donald, please stop winning so much. we can't take it"


Lindland never cheated
Jan 27, 2015
New polls show Hillary up 10 points.

IschKabibble @IschKabibble lets up the ante on our bet.

If Hillary wins you send me the $200 but you also have to get this tattoo on the front of your neck Cody Garbrandt style



First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Nehlen: Paul Ryan a ‘Soulless Globalist’ ‘Grown in a Petri Dish in DC’ Who Puts ‘Corporate America’ Over WI Workers

Paul Ryan challenger Paul Nehlen said of Ryan in an interview Tuesday with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon that Ryan “says he’s a conservative from the conservative wing of the Republican Party. He is a soulless globalist from the Democrat wing of the Uni-Party. That’s what he is.”
Nehlen continued, “He is all in for the cheapest possible labor for Wall Street. That’s what Paul Ryan’s in for. Paul Ryan’s in for Paul Ryan.” Added Nehlen, “Can you name the last time Paul Ryan worked as hard for Wisconsin workers as he has for corporate America? I can’t. I can’t think of one time.”

Nehlen repeatedly called Ryan an “open borders” politician, adding, “Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish in D.C. He is absolutely an open borders guy, through and through.”

Challenger Paul Nehlen Calls Paul Ryan a ‘Soulless Globalist'

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Can you PM me and confirm that this is just one of your troll angles? I'm starting to get concerned...
tqn got the splintster hook, line and sinker with his angles. he's gonna be catching both of you guys with the same hook now.

sure as night follows day he's voting Trump come November


Nov 3, 2015
5.1 points. And he's been down by much more in the past.

Honestly it seems like Hillary just has to wait it out. Trump puts his foot in his mouth every time.

Funny how you people here spin it sometimes though. Waiting on the spin to the purple heart thing. :D
The nuclear thing is bad, but that could be a campaign. But really, he actually said very weird and hypocritical things about that topic in general.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Honestly it seems like Hillary just has to wait it out. Trump puts his foot in his mouth every time.

Funny how you people here spin it sometimes though. Waiting on the spin to the purple heart thing. :D
The nuclear thing is bad, but that could be a campaign. But really, he actually said very weird and hypocritical things about that topic in general.
It's the other way around. "You people" keep chirping on about Mr. Trump the Bully and his sensational headlines. Meanwhile Hillary and her CTR cronies are working to subvert the nation...



Nov 3, 2015
It's the other way around. "You people" keep chirping on about Mr. Trump the Bully and his sensational headlines.
Yeah, but, its not like its created somewhere else, its him..
Same as Sarah Palin was Sarah Palin.

No clue about the other stuff you posted, but Hillary is shady, you don't need to convince me of that.

I have stated that I would prefer Trump over Hillary, and I still do, because I know Hillary is gonna suck, and I suspect, even though Trump is a horrible choice imo, that really not a lot would happen.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Yeah, but, its not like its created somewhere else, its him..
Same as Sarah Palin was Sarah Palin.

No clue about the other stuff you posted, but Hillary is shady, you don't need to convince me of that.

I have stated that I would prefer Trump over Hillary, and I still do, because I know Hillary is gonna suck, and I suspect, even though Trump is a horrible choice imo, that really not a lot would happen.
It's all just noise my friend. Sit back and enjoy the ride. No President will ever win the White House like this again. Ever.

How Donald Trump played the media

Marco Rubio was riding high after a debate performance five days ahead of Super Tuesday. He had laid into Donald Trump to a degree that had so far seemed unimaginable from a field of Republican presidential candidates that was usually apprehensive about challenging the prickly billionaire.

Rubio, after mocking and interrupting Trump throughout the debate, spent the next morning laying into Trump at a rally, mocking his typo-ridden tweets. It looked as though someone finally managed to one-up the seemingly unstoppable front-runner.

But then Trump did what he does best.

With one news conference, featuring an unexpected endorsement from his formal rival Gov. Chris Christie, Trump grabbed hold of the national news cameras and swung them back toward himself for 30 minutes — and then for the rest of the day.

How Donald Trump played the media


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Study shows voting irregularities linked to companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation

Posted by Rodolfo Cortes Barragan July 4, 2016

Today is the Fourth of July. Millions of Americans are celebrating independence from an Empire that refused to allow our forefathers equal representation in its legislature. We Americans like to believe that in this day and age, we have reached the apex of democracy. Yet, throughout the history of the our nation, millions of people have struggled and fought to have their voices heard and their votes counted. In light of our history of disenfranchisement, where do we stand today? Are all of us heard and represented equally? Or are some more equal than others?

A few weeks ago, we reported that in her contest against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won by a much larger margin in states that do not have a paper trail to the placed votes. We suggested that a targeted electronic drain of Sanders votes may have taken place in these states, as it is there that vote manipulation is easiest to hide. In this new study, we uncover new information that suggests to a concerted effort to swing the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Study shows voting irregularities linked to companies that donated to the Clinton Foundation - The Bern Report