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Nov 3, 2015
Civil war numbers? 600k people died during our civil war that's nowhere near the number of murders taking place each year or even each decade.
You are about on the level of Nigeria's civil war, >10k people per year. That is massive.

More than civil wars / conflicts in Yemen, Somalia, Ukraine, Pakistan, South-Sudan, Lybia.. you know, real crisis-regions.

Incarceration rate not to forget ~.~

So what is his concept on interior policies? Its basically less government, right? How is that supposed to remedy it? The states won't change much, will they?

spicy if true
Oh yeah!


First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Trump to visit Wilmington on Tuesday

WILMINGTON -- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will visit the Port City Tuesday afternoon.

The New York businessman will hold a 2 p.m. rally, although a site in Wilmington has yet to be selected. Sources in the Republican Party Friday said details of the candidate's visit, including whether the candidate would make other stops in North Carolina on Tuesday, were still being worked out.

This will be Trump’s first visit to Southeastern North Carolina since he entered the presidential race last summer. But he already has family ties to the area. Eric Trump, the presidential candidate’s son, is married to Wrightsville Beach native Lara Trump.

North Carolina is seen as a key state by both Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and both candidates have made several visits to the Tar Heel State in recent weeks -- as have their vice presidential nominees, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, respectively.

The protests ought to be fun, we have quite a few SJW's here.