Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Hillary has no idea a huge % of the 'alt-right' are 19 year old shut-ins photoshopping Nazi frog pics for internet attention?
A 4chan member yelling PEeeeeeePppeeee during that speech was incredible


Nov 3, 2015
No clue, when I'm on vacation I'm on vacation of most things.
Question is, how much coverage of crimes here is getting coverage there and even makes its way on this forum?
When a German (yeah he is) homeless drug-addict attacks someone with a knife, and someone thinks he heard him shout something else crazy, will you know about it?

Ridiculous bias.


Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
No clue, when I'm on vacation I'm on vacation of most things.
Question is, how much coverage of crimes here is getting coverage there and even makes its way on this forum?
When a German (yeah he is) homeless drug-addict attacks someone with a knife, and someone thinks he heard him shout something else crazy, will you know about it?

Ridiculous bias.

Oh I know I have a bias. I can at least admit that. I simply copy and pasted the links and tagged you. The evidence for this one is weak but give it a few weeks and I bet the full story comes out.


Nov 3, 2015
Oh I know I have a bias. I can at least admit that. I simply copy and pasted the links and tagged you. The evidence for this one is weak but give it a few weeks and I bet the full story comes out.
And I'm sure it will be posted there then. ;)

They already left out he was a German and a known drug-addict, and went on to list terror attacks in the article. Doesn't fit the picture they want it to show..

So what will the story be, in the name of Allah the dude became a drug-addict, went crazy, became homeless (nobody here has to be homeless, if you are, there simply is something wrong with you), and planned a big terror-attack? Or did he join jihad after he became crazy?